Holocaust Hoax
JEWS ARE PRETTY good liars most of the time, but they tell so many lies they are bound to trip themselves up sometimes. Their exaggerations, half-truths, and outright inventions about the so-called “Holocaust,” easily the most lied-about topic ever, are a good example.
Unfortunately, many patriots fail to counter the Jews’ “Holocaust” lies effectively; instead they let themselves be lured into the semantic trap of “Holocaust denial.” That is, they tacitly accept the Jews’ rules of debate. The first of those rules is that one must either accept or reject the “Holocaust” mythology as a whole: no quibbling over details permitted. If one does not accept without question or quibble the magical number of “six million” Jews who were led into gas chambers disguised as shower houses and given a faceful of Zyklon-B instead of hot water when they turned on the faucet, for example, one is a “Holocaust denier,” who believes that the “Holocaust” is entirely fictitious, and the German government treated Jews just like everyone else during the Second World War. That, of course, is an impossible position to defend.
The “Holocaust” myth, as mentioned above, is a structure built of lies, exaggerations, and half- truths, and the way to discredit it is to subject these individual building blocks — the details — to critical scrutiny.
To be specific, the August 10, 1994, issue of The Christian Science Monitor carried an article (page 12) by Jewess Linda Joffee about growing anti-Semitism in Germany and the efforts of the Jews and their collaborators to combat it. Under the heading “Growing Anti-Semitism Concerns German Jews,” Ms. Joffee writes:
“About 560,000 Jews lived in Germany when the Nazis came to power in 1933. Almost all died in the Holocaust. There are about 50,000 Jews in Germany today.”
The first sentence in Ms. Joffee’s statement is true. The second sentence is a bald-faced lie. Fortunately, it can easily be shown as such by anyone with access to a library which carries books with world demographic data for the last 60 years or so.
The truth of the matter is that as soon as a National Socialist government was elected in Germany in 1933, the Germans began working hard to persuade Jews to emigrate. They did this by enacting legislation which progressively excluded Jews from one sector of German life after another. Jews were not permitted to teach in Germany, except in Jewish schools; they were not permitted to publish newspapers, magazines, or books, except those published specifically for Jews; they were banned from the practice of medicine (except the treating of Jewish patients) and law; and they were excluded from many areas of trade and industry, especially from those businesses requiring a government license.
This legislation was not motivated by petty spite or by economic considerations, but by a determination to free Germany from Jewish influence. When the National Socialists came to power in 1933, Jews were vastly over-represented in the media, in teaching, and in the legal and medical professions. For example, 42 per cent of the physicians practicing in Berlin in 1933 were Jews, as were 48 per cent of the attorneys. To the National Socialists this was an intolerable situation, and they set about remedying it in a typically thorough and efficient manner.
The Jews screamed bloody murder about the National Socialist campaign to take Germany away from them and give it back to the German people. As early as 1934 Jews around the world declared an economic boycott of Germany in retaliation. As it became apparent to them, however, that Adolf Hitler was the most popular leader Germany had ever had, that the National Socialists could neither be bought off nor voted out of office, and that there really was no future for Jews in Germany, they began to look for easier pickings elsewhere. The great majority of them eventually emigrated.
By the time the Second World War began in September 1939 there were only about 200,000 Jews left in Germany, and a number of them succeeded in leaving after that.
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Source: National Vanguard magazine No. 114
The second paragraph of this article is excellent. I have noticed the same thing all my life; question whether the total is 6 million and you will be accused of denying that any jews died in WW2.
The third paragraph reminds me of that Shermer/Weber debate of the 1990s about the holocaust. Shermer said there was no one proof, that there was a convergence of evidence. I would take him (and others espousing it) up on that and say then each of those evidences (pointing to planned industrial extermination) should be dealt with separately in detail. And indeed, Mr. Weber did just that. So, did the recently deceased Ernst Zundel. And of course many others.