The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor
by Revilo P. Oliver
I HAVE just seen the disclosure of a crucial historical fact, hitherto kept profoundly secret by the rulers of the United States, which will force you, as it has forced me, drastically to revise our understanding of recent history. It is an article, entitled “Tigers of a Different Stripe,” by Don McLean in Soldier of Fortune, January 1989.
I am convinced that it is not a canard. There is no indication that Yahweh’s venomous race, the world’s Masters of Deceit, contrived or inspired the article, which surely does not serve their purposes. Mr. McLean gives precise references to documents now in the archives in Washington, and even reproduces two of them photographically. It is likely that there are still in the United States, and conceivably even in universities, American historians who are more interested in establishing historical facts than in pleasing their paymasters; they will surely look for documents thus specifically and precisely designated and verify them. And finally and most cogently, the fact now disclosed fits so perfectly a gap in our present knowledge that it has the logical validity of a piece of a jigsaw puzzle put into its place.
I thought that I had disclosed in America’s Decline, the ultimate secret of Pearl Harbor, the fact that the unspeakably foul energumen called Franklin Roosevelt, in January 1941, almost a full year before the attack on Pearl Harbor, had incited the Japanese by informing “in strict confidence” the Portuguese Ambassador that his countrymen need not be concerned about their colonies in the Orient because the United States was going to attack Japan when her military forces were extended to the limit and most vulnerable, and would thus destroy Japan. The Ambassador naturally cabled the good news to his government in his most secret code, which the Japanese had compromised and were reading currently. And the success of the diseased monster’s scheme was attested a few days later when the Portuguese message was quoted in Japanese diplomatic messages that American cryptanalysts were reading. (1) The Japanese were thus led to believe that the Americans would soon attack them, and that they should therefore gain the advantage of surprising the enemy that intended to surprise them.
(1. Professor James Martin informs me that the parts of “Magic” that have been made public do not include the messages to which I refer. This would indicate that the Army is still trying to keep this much of the great War Criminal’s treason secret, but after the disclosures in Soldier of Fortune that will no longer be worthwhile.)
I erred grossly in the conclusions which I drew from that fact. I assumed that the loathsome creature had been bluffing, and that the Japanese had blundered in being taken in by what was just another of his innumerable lies. (2) In America’s Decline, again in The Yellow Peril and especially in Liberty Bell, April 1984, pp. 5-7, where I condemned the Japanese for ignoring their own best interests when they decided to attack Pearl Harbor instead of honoring their obligations under their treaty and alliance with Germany, thus precipitating the catastrophe in the West and the Suicide of Europe, I was thinking in terms of an American expeditionary force in hundreds of ships carrying thousands of American soldiers to the Orient to be killed for the delight of the monster and the ophidian race to which he partly belonged. I thought it was certain that the loathsome creature could not have sent such an expedition to attack Japan without preparations that would have alarmed even the dullest of the boobs in a nation that preponderantly wished to remain at peace.
(2. In Washington at the time, and especially among the “Liberal” bureaucrats who had to deal with the perfidious creature, there was current an epigram; “He has conscientious scruples against telling the truth.”)
I knew, of course, that when the diseased and blood-thirsty animal in the White House used the Portuguese Ambassador to incite the Japanese, he had been waging for more than a year a secret war of aggression against Germany, using his command of our Navy to attack German ships, in the hope that Germany would, in exasperation, declare open war on the United States to counter the sneaking war he was waging against her, and that he apparently turned to Japan only when he found that Hitler wisely was ignoring the provocation. I considered, of course, a comparable use of the Navy against Japan, but that, I thought, could not be kept secret from the American people who were eventually to be the victims. So I concluded that the great War Criminal had bluffed the Japanese.
I accordingly speculated about differences in racial mentality that prevented the Japanese from understanding the limitations of presidential power at that time. I overlooked the obvious and logical solution. Now that Mr. McLean has published it, I marvel at my obtuseness. (3)
(3. I yield to the temptation to palliate my blunder and say that it seemed to be confirmed by one of the foul fiend’s attempts to create a pretext for attacking Japan. He despatched a small naval vessel into waters in which the Japanese navy was operating, hoping that the Japanese would sink it. See Admiral Kemp Tolley, Cruise of the Lanikai, Incitement to War, (Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 1973). One could add an inference from the anxiety, indiscreetly confessed by the Roosevelt female in her newspaper column, with which the monster was awaiting on the morning of 7 December news that the American fleet in Pearl Harbor had been destroyed. Why such anxiety, if the desired war was certain? (It probably wasn’t anxiety: just impatience to get the killing and disasters started.))
I knew, of course, that a group of American mercenaries, who called themselves the “Flying Tigers” and were commanded by a Captain Chennault, had been hired by the Chinese to fight the Japanese, but I never guessed that they were a part of the War Criminal’s plot.
Mr. McLean cites a secret memorandum from the Chief of Naval Operations, dated 17 January 1940, two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor and a year before the diseased monster used the Portuguese Ambassador to incite the Japanese, which, with complementary secret documents signed by Admiral Thomas C. Hart, conclusively prove that Roosevelt was then planning a devastating attack on Japan with bombers that would exploit the knowledge that “one of Japan’s greatest fears rests upon [i.e., is of] bombing of the homeland.” The crime was to be carried out with typical hypocrisy.
American aviators would be released from the Army, Navy, and Marine air corps to be hired as mercenaries through the Intercontinent Corporation, owned by William D. Pawley, which would hire them “under contract with the Chinese government” and with money supplied by the American government through the trick of guaranteeing loans ostensibly made by private bankers to supplement the secret loan of $100,000,000 made directly to China by Morgenthau, the Sheeny who was in charge of the American Treasury, obviously by agreement with the part-Jew in the White House. Japan would thus be unable to prove that the Roosevelt government’s pretense of neutrality, which had been solemnly affirmed by the War Criminal, was odious hypocrisy. The Japanese would thus be kept inactive by American “neutrality” until the United States was ready to strike the final blow and contrive a pretext for open war.
The plan for the sneaking attack on Japan sketched in January 1940 was fully elaborated in the secret “Joint Army-Navy Board Paper 355, Serial 691,” dated 23 June 1941, which described in detail the scheme that Roosevelt obviously had authorized no later than 15 April 1941, eight months before Pearl Harbor, when he ordered that American officers and servicemen on active duty should be encouraged to accept “leaves of absence” and take employment as Chinese mercenaries, with a guarantee that they could return to the armed services of the United States as though they had been serving honorably in them during their absence. The plan was to destroy first the “Japanese Industrial Establishment,” thus not only halting the production of weapons and supplies for the Japanese army and navy, but also so destroying all other industry as to make the economic structure of Japan collapse. The bombers would use incendiary bombs to devastate Japanese cities and fry Japanese civilians, as was eventually done in the famous raid on Tokyo.
The plan called for diversion of armaments then being (illegally) sent to Britain. Two hundred fighter planes and one hundred bombers would go into operation against Japan by September 1941, and by December the pseudo-Chinese air force would have the full complement of five hundred planes with American aviators to man them and American technicians and mechanics as ground crews to maintain them. Thus the planned devastation of Japan would be well under way in December 1941.
Only difficulty and delay in diverting weapons promised the British prevented the plan from being carried out on schedule and enabled Japan to get in the first blow. Some American soldiers had been despatched to Chennault’s secret base in China on 21 November, and more were to leave Los Angeles on 11 December. A production of Lockheed bombers destined for China was ready on 7 December, awaiting ships to load them.
These facts, of course, drastically alter your understanding of the situation. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they were not deceived by a bluff; they were defending themselves against an act of war, a war of unconscionable aggression. They are completely absolved of all guilt, even according to the criteria of International Law that prevailed among civilized nations before that law was repudiated by Britain and the United States in their catastrophic Advance to Barbarism.
There is only one item lacking to complete the terrible history. Did the Japanese know of the detailed plan set forth in the Army-Navy Board’s document of 23 July 1941? I hope that some Japanese historians will be able to answer that question definitively. In the meantime, in the absence of proof, I think it highly probable that the Japanese were fully informed of the essentials of the plot.
Although it seems that the Japanese did not succeed in reading American codes of any consequence, except some operational codes used by the Air Force, they had great success in breaking Chinese codes and ciphers, (4) and they could have obtained some information from those sources, especially Chinese messages about preparations for reception of the American forces. Japanese espionage was always highly successful in China, and sometimes elsewhere. The planned attack on Japan, although secret, was necessarily known to a very considerable number of persons, including men given to indiscretion. But the further question imposes itself: Did the Japanese intelligence have to exert itself to learn the secret?
(4. See J.W. Bennett, W.A. Hobart, and J.B. Spitzer, Intelligence and Cryptanalytic Activities of the Japanese During World War II (Laguna Hills, California; Aegean Park Press, 1986). The scope of this study is limited to the period after Pearl Harbor. It may underestimate the efficiency of Japanese espionage, since the authors may not have had access to highly secret information, which the defeated Japanese would prudently have kept out of the hands of the conquerors, who intended to murder some high-ranking Japanese officers after mock trials to provide a spurious legitimacy for the notorious murders at Nuremberg — both crimes, of course, in utter defiance of the International Law the United States had pragmatically repudiated and of the simple sense of decency and justice that is part of our now despised Aryan inheritance. We cannot palliate our guilt by blaming the Jews: they instigated our crimes, but we committed them, knowing that we were repudiating the ethics of our race and of civilized mankind to please our parasites.)
It is scarcely credible that the hypocrisy of the American scheme was intended to be successful and deceive the Japanese. When two hundred American bombing planes, some of which would inevitably be shot down, operated by officers and crew men detached from the American Army and Navy, some of whom would inevitably be killed and others captured, began to raid Japanese cities, even boobs would not have been deceived by the transparent pretext that the raiders were mercenaries hired by China. It must obviously have been intended that the Japanese would not be imbeciles and, recognizing the fact, would declare war on the treacherous Americans, with or without diplomatic formalities. Thus the monster would get his war with Japan, and Germany, honoring her obligations to her ally, would declare the war on the United States that the great War Criminal had been unable to provoke by the secret naval war he had been waging against Germany.
Now if the wanton attack on Japan was intended to provoke a war, would it not have been reasonable to make certain that the preparations for it would become known to Japan, thus confirming the information that had been transmitted through the Portuguese? That could only hasten the yearned-for day and the marching of Americans to slaughter for the glory of the Jews and Roosevelt’s colleague, Stalin. And it would in the meantime effectively prevent the Japanese from taking action in Siberia. I think it likely that that is what was done.
Soldier of Fortune has included, obiter, a consideration that is highly relevant in this connection. It is now accepted history that the clever Communist spy in Japan, Sorge, changed the fortunes of civilized mankind when he sent to his Soviet employers on 15 October his now famous message, “Japanese carrier force attacking United States Navy at Pearl Harbor probably dawn November six.” (5) It is assumed that that message enabled Stalin to transfer to the defence of Russia the army of two million men he was having to maintain in Siberia to guard his eastern border against the Japanese. The two million were hurled against the Germans, who had already occupied the outskirts of Moscow and believed Russia already defeated, and thus produced the delay that mired the Germans in the unprecedentedly severe winter and so prepared the final catastrophe of Western civilization. But for that sudden flood of Soviet troops, the war would have been over before the great War Criminal who had planned it could have herded his hated American subjects (6) into Europe to fight and die for international Jewry.
(5. Some Americans have expressed indignation because Stalin (as they assume) did not inform Washington of the impending attack. Why should Stalin have informed his American partner of what that partner already knew and, indeed, had contrived?)
(6. Even before Roosevelt got the war started in Europe, Lady Astor perceived the insane hatred that actuated the great War Criminal and his British accomplice and stooge, but she reduced her observation to a quip: “Franklin hates everyone who can walk, and Winston hates everyone who is sober.” Some apologists for Roosevelt argue that his mind was perverted by the disease, probably syphilis, which left him a cripple, but a Naval officer who had dealings with Roosevelt when he was Secretary of the Navy under Wilson told me that then, before he was crippled, “He was the same arrogant and treacherous son-of-a-bitch that he is today.” It is possible, however, that the creature’s native viciousness, partly hereditary, was augmented by the disease. The late Professor Harris Fletcher, distinguished for his studies of Milton believed, on the basis of observation, that persons physically or mentally deformed naturally hate healthy men and long to see them suffer.)
Now Sorge sent on 4 October a first report that Japan had decided not to invade Siberia and Manchuria — and the next day, on 5 October, the Germans were attacked by an unexpected horde of Soviet troops, some of them identified as from the Siberian Red Army. It was, of course, physically impossible for troops to have been transferred from Siberia to Russia in that time, and although the transfer of troops from Siberia had been delayed, according to the Soviet General Zhukov, the Siberian Army was attacking the Germans on 10 October. The transfer of two million men for two thousand miles over a single-track railroad simply could not have been carried out in that time. It follows that the transfer had been begun, and Stalin had been authoritatively informed that Japan could not invade Siberia long before he received Sorge’s message. (It is furthermore obvious that no sane ruler would stake the survival of his regime on an uncorroborated message from a spy.)
It is obvious, therefore, that Stalin must have been informed of the American plan and preparations for a sneak attack on Japan long before 3 October. He must have been authoritatively informed from Washington. The article tactfully suggests that the information was sent by Lauchlin Currie, the notorious Communist agent and spy who was Roosevelt’s closest adviser and associate, and who had acted for him when the document of 23 July 1941 was drawn up for Roosevelt’s approval. (7)
(7. Soldier of Fortune prints on p. 71 a picture that shows Currie in fraternal association with Felix Frankfurter, the Sheeny and known Communist agent to whom Roosevelt gave the job of liquidating juridically the scraps of the American Constitution that were still left.)
If Currie, why not his principal? Even in his desperate situation, Stalin would have hesitated to stake everything on the report of a spy, however efficient, but he would have accepted the assurances of his partner in Washington, the unspeakable monster who had contrived the war in the first place.
I need not expatiate on the conclusions to be drawn from the great clarification of the most sinister and tragic event in American history. Now we know, more securely than ever, on what infamous creature rests the guilt for our ruin. (8)
(8. The author, to protect himself, has had to seem to acquiesce in the current form of the Big Lie about the most loathsome War Criminal of all history. Since it is now fairly well known that the diseased and part Jewish monster called Roosevelt contrived the catastrophic war that was the Suicide of Europe and induced the Japanese to destroy the American fleet that he had put in Pearl Harbor as tempting bait, the revised version now is that the foul anthropoid had to start the war to save mankind (i.e., the Sacred Sheenies) from Aryan civilization. That he promoted the catastrophic war is, as I have said, now established to the satisfaction of everyone willing to read and think, and will be even more generally known, now that the original text of David Hoggan’s The Forced War has at last been published in English. I have not yet seen the new book, but I read and reviewed the German translation, Der erzwungene Krieg, twenty-five years ago. Much information has become available since Hoggan wrote, but none, I believe, as crucial as the article in Soldier of Fortune, which enormously strengthens Hoggan’s conclusions.)
Now we know what happened and why. There remains one question, futile, to be sure, but posed by our minds’ proclivity to ask whether a given result was inevitable. We all wonder what would have been the outcome, if Pickett had made his famous charge at Gettysburg earlier and Lee had been victorious. Likewise we ask ourselves whether Japan would have done better, and would have escaped eventual defeat, if, despite the dire menace of American aggression, she had honored her commitment to Germany and invaded Siberia in October or as much earlier as she knew of Roosevelt’s plan. The Germans would have attained a decisive victory in October and destroyed the Soviet before the bombing of Japan could have begun, and after the German triumph, the foul thing that hoped to become the American Lenin would have been quite unable to persuade the American people to countenance an attack on either Japan or Germany. Our civilisation and our race might have been saved from suicide. The question is tantalizing, but the hypothesis is only an inference from ambiguous evidence made in the light of subsequent events.
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Source: White Biocentrism