The Little Girls of England
Only racial patriots did anything for the raped and abused little girls.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Those racial patriots who stood up for their people were not restricted to the two groups mentioned by the author, however. This is otherwise a worthwhile, truth-telling article. It is important to remember that the Muslims and other non-Whites would not be in our nations at all if it were not for Jewish power, which is the real force behind the opening of our borders and the ongoing genocide of Whites.
THE Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham, August 21, 2014 by Alexis Jay OBE is a weak report, but it finally admits the obvious: Pakistani paedophile rape gangs have terrorized the city’s little English girls for decades as government officials (with dozens of hard-hitting executive job titles reflecting well-paid careers for people who did nothing), social workers, teachers and the police were afraid to do anything. (ILLUSTRATION: The non-White rapists — not their White victims — were protected by the System.)
In fact, the report admits to at least 1,400 little girls being raped. One accusation of “racism” ends a career, and compared to that, the misery of thousands of girls raped by the Pakistanis is nothing, apparently. One kind of behavior does not affect careers of elected and high ranking Rotherham government officials: relentless sexual harassment by higher ups towards their female subordinates (See Sects. (13.64), (13.65), (13.66)).
Of course, the report is quick to deplore the role of the old British National Party under Nick Griffin (Sect. 3.35) and the English Defence League, the only two organizations in Great Britain that stood up for the little English girls, abused and raped and forgotten by everyone else. The BNP is especially condemned for telling the truth and identifying Asians as the rapists (that is, Pakistanis). (As might be expected, the BNP and EDL have faced state persecution and state supported terrorist attacks from paid paramilitaries like the UAF, because of their defence of the Little Girls of England from the Pakistani rape gangs.
It is also to be expected that the leadership of the Socialist Workers Party, whose government financed UAF militias defend Pakistani rapists, are themselves rapists. As the Executive summary notes: By far the majority of these third word perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.
The abuse documented is horrific. For example, from the Executive Summary: Sect. (5.8) We read cases where a child was doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, children who were threatened with guns, children who witnessed brutally violent rapes and were threatened that they would be the next victim if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators, one after the other. ‘Whats the point… I might as well be dead.’ Sect. (5.9) In two of the cases we read, fathers tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from houses where they were being abused, only to be arrested themselves when police were called to the scene. In a small number of cases (which have already received media attention) the victims were arrested for offences such as breach of the peace or being drunk and disorderly, with no action taken against the perpetrators of rape and sexual assault against children. Sect. (5.10) There are numerous historic examples (up to the mid-2000s) of children being stalked by their abusers, and some extreme cases of violent threats or actual assaults on the victims and their families.
Indeed: Sect. (4.12): “One young person told us that ‘gang rape’ was a usual part of growing up in the area of Rotherham in which she lived.” Gang rape is now part of growing up as an English girl in England.
An outside expert could and did tell the truth, but no one cared: in (11.4) Dr. Heal wrote in her 2006 report about how the appeal of organised sexual exploitation for Asian gangs had changed. In the past, it had been for their personal gratification, whereas now it offered ‘career and financial opportunities to young Asian men who got involved’. She also noted that Iraqi Kurds and Kosovan men were participating in organised activities against young women. [b -Kosovans are those Muslims that killed Serbs. Most Kurds are also Muslims]
Sect. (10.11): She described a particular case that was ‘the final straw’. [This case is also mentioned in Chapter 5. It was one of the case files read independently by the Inquiry team, and the details given by the researcher were found to be accurate.] In 2001, a young girl who had been repeatedly raped had tried to escape her perpetrators but was terrified of reprisals. They had allegedly put all the windows in at the parental home and broken both of her brother’s legs ‘to send a message’. At that point, the child agreed to make a complaint to the Police. The researcher took her to the police station office where she would be interviewed in advance in order to familiarise her with the place and the officer who would be conducting the interview. Whilst there, the girl received a text from the main perpetrator. He had with him her 11-year old sister. He said repeatedly to her ‘your choice…’. The girl did not proceed with the complaint. She disengaged from the pilot and project and is quoted by the researcher as saying ‘you can’t protect me’. This incident raised questions about how the perpetrator knew where the young woman was and what she was doing. (That question, like all other questions, was never answered.)
In Sect. (6.6) it was noted: “Nevertheless, this lack of priority resulted in many Rotherham children failing to get the help and protection they needed.” Ultimately, the only help that the little English girls could receive from the government and its scores of social service agencies was… contraceptives (Sect. 8.13). After all, when girls became pregnant from being raped, they were deleted from the case files and expelled from all social services agencies (Sect. (13.19))!
With no sense of irony, Appendix 5: Recommendations From Earlier Reports Collated By the Safeguarding Board: (6) ‘If Only Someone Had Listened’ — Office of Children’s Commissioner, lists seven recommendations and none of them have anything to do with listening to the little girls who came to them and pleaded for help to escape the rape gangs.
The Parallel Agendas of Homosexuals and Muslims
One ugly question that Alexis Jay OBE answers is one that has long been a mystery: Why do homosexuals in Britain march with the state-Trotskyist/anarchists paramilitaries and Muslims against the nationalists, and the Rotherham anti-rape protesters in particular? In the Rotherham Report, the only mentions that large numbers of boys were also raped by the Pakistanis are brief but illuminating and demand that the little English boys who were raped should have LGBT counseling. Sects. (3.17) “Integrated Youth Support Service where the lesbian, gay and bisexual group could meet in a safe place and receive support”, and (4.19). Sect, (4.19) (b) which truly gives the game away: “supporting children to explore their sexuality in safe ways, including building links and referral pathways to local LGBT projects that could provide appropriate information and advice.” First, I suppose it is intended to convert them to homosexuals, since so many homosexuals note pedophile rape as their first sexual experience. Second, if the little boys can be deemed to be homosexual, the rapes can be ignored as consensual. Third, politically supporting the Pakistani rape gangs creates more raped-boys to be converted, as well as as state funding and posh jobs to facilitate their transition to homosexuality. Alexis Jay exposes the terrible strategic thinking that underpins the Gay support for the Pakistani rape gangs. It is not some inchoate leftism that drives Gays to march in support of Muslim militants (and indeed of Muslim rape gangs), rather Muslim wrongs are a recruiting mechanism for the “Gay Community”. Like the saying goes, homosexual men reproduce by molesting boys. Ugly.
The Honorable Muslim Community
Of course, the Rotherham government was willing to reach out to the Rotherham community. The Rotherham community is Muslims of course. Judging by the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Staff (Appendix 3), there is only one community that matters in Rotherham (the only possible exception being the LGBT community): Zafar Saleem: Community Engagement Manager; Waheed Akhtar: Community Engagement Officer. An English community simply is not allowed to exist by the multiculturalist government. Consider the community groups consulted for this very report: In Appendix 3: Saghir Alam: Chair, Rotherham Council of Mosques; Khalida Luqman: Tassibee Project, Rotherham; Parveen Qureshie: Managing Director, United Multicultural Centre; Mr Abassi: Rotherham Diversity Forum; Azizzum Akhtar: Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance; and Zlakha Ahmed: Chief Executive, Apna Haq. Indeed, multiculturalism in Rotherham is simply a synonym for Muslim, diversity is just a synonym for Muslim, Ethnic is just a synonym for Muslim, and Minority is just a synonym for Muslim, if the government is to be believed.
The report complains: Sect. (3.4): (4) “A racial equality scheme had been published and an Ethnic Minorities Development worker appointed. However, the quality of data on gender and ethnicity was uneven; (5) Services did not respond consistently to the cultural needs of minority ethnic communities.” Of course, the report never states that services did respond consistently to the cultural needs of minority ethnic communities or even that it responded at all, because the needs of the English community are meaningless and are ignored.
But services were provided to the Pakistani community while the English community, and its growing number of little girls who had been raped were ignored. For example, Sect. 8.12: In December 2009, the Safeguarding Board received a policy paper ‘Safeguarding Children Guidance for Madrassahs, Mosques and Supplementary Schools’, which extended the scope of training and awareness-raising still further. And Sect 7.19: Over the following months, procedures were compiled or revised on missing children, children who were trafficked, children who harm others, and safeguarding girls and young women at risk of abuse through genital mutilation. ‘Safeguarding Children Guidance’ was a new policy designed for Madrassahs, Mosques and supplementary schools.
One interesting tangent is that provided by the UK Muslim Women’s Network, which asserts, in Sect. (11.15) without evidence, that the majority of victims of the Pakistani rape gangs are Muslims. Certainly, while there is no section specifically mentioning English girls being raped, there are several mentioning Muslims girls being raped.
Sect. (11.15) The UK Muslim Women’s Network produced a report on CSE in September 2013 which drew on 35 case studies of women from across the UK who were victims, the majority of whom were Muslim. It highlighted that Asian girls were being sexually exploited where authorities were failing to identify or support them. They were most vulnerable to men from their own communities who manipulated cultural norms to prevent them from reporting their abuse. It described how this abuse was being carried out. ‘Offending behaviour mostly involved men operating in groups . . . The victim was being passed around and prostituted amongst many other men.
Our research also showed that complex grooming ‘hierarchies’ were at play. The physical abuse included oral, anal and vaginal rape; role play; insertion of objects into the vagina; severe beatings; burning with cigarettes; tying down; enacting rape that included ripping clothes off and sexual activity over the webcam.’ This description mirrors the abuse committed by Pakistani-heritage perpetrators on white girls in Rotherham.
Sect (11.16): The Deputy Children’s Commissioner’s report reached a similar conclusion to the Muslim Women’s Network research, stating ‘one of these myths was that only white girls are victims of sexual exploitation by Asian or Muslim males, as if these men only abuse outside of their own community, driven by hatred and contempt for white females. This belief flies in the face of evidence that shows that those who violate children are most likely to target those who are closest to them and most easily accessible.’ The Home Affairs Select Committee quoted witnesses saying that cases of Asian men grooming Asian girls did not come to light because victims ‘are often alienated and ostracised by their own families and by the whole community, if they go public with allegations of abuse.’
Sect (11.17): With hindsight, it is clear that women and girls in the Pakistani community in Rotherham should have been encouraged and empowered by the authorities to speak out about perpetrators and their own experiences as victims of sexual exploitation, so often hidden from sight. The Safeguarding Board has recently received a presentation from a local Pakistani women’s group about abuse within their community. The Board should address as a priority the under-reporting of exploitation and abuse in minority ethnic communities. We recommend that the relevant agencies immediately initiate dialogue about CSE with minority ethnic communities, and in particular with the Pakistani-heritage community. This should be done in consultation with local women’s groups, and should develop strategies that support young women and girls from the community to participate without fear or threat.
There is, however, no evidence at all that the majority of children raped by the Pakistan rape gangs were Muslims, although the one instance of a statistical breakdown of paedophiles by race is clear enough. (Sect. (13.44) (d) The section on perpetrators mentioned an Asian family involved with taxi firms, and identified 50 people, 45 of whom were Asian, 4 were white, and 1 African-Caribbean.). (Taxi drivers play a central role in the paedophile gangs.)
The UK Muslim Women’s Network is cynically using the very real rapes of their own daughters to make a racist claim: The authorities only care about White Girls. But every section and recommendation that identifies a group that should be helped, identifies Muslims. The word “English” (the indigenous people of England) is mentioned only three times in the report: once in a denunciation of the English Defence League, and twice as a synonym for British, which is really quite a different identity. The UK Muslim Women’s Network is a thuggish hate group that sustains the Pakistani rape gang attacks on the little White girls.
Naturally, Recommendations 12-14 demands greater participation by minority communities, which means Muslims and only Muslims (although there are some hints in the report of Gypsy children (once called Eastern Europeans) being raped by the Pakistanis, too), but exclude the English community, and Recommendation 13 demands greater help for minority girls victimized, but fails through omission to recommend any help for the actual victims, the English girls.
The failure to provide statistics documenting the problem is a major omission in the report, but it is probably unavoidable: governments, social service agencies and police refuse to maintain records of English girls victimized by the rape gangs. Refuse.
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Official Report
One recommendation of the report seems promising: In Appendix 4: Legal and Policy Context: Chronology, Sect. 105, it is observed in passing that: “Agencies should acknowledge the suspected model of localised grooming of young white girls by men of Pakistani heritage, instead of being inhibited by the fear of affecting community relations. People must be able to raise concerns without fear of being labelled racist. Offenders’ communities should do more to report and tackle the issue. Outreach work towards them is essential.” But that was in the June 2013 The Home Affairs Select Committee report. Nothing at all was done.
Probably the only recommendation that one can believe in is that in Sect. (3.7): “Office accommodation for frontline staff should be improved.”
But tonight, you can be certain, the Pakistani rape gangs in Rotherham and hundreds of other English cities, are raping the little English girls, the helpless, abandoned children of a conquered and defeated country.
P.S. — Thank God for Nick Griffin, the old British National Party, and the English Defence League, the only ones who cared about the little girls of England. (Don’t believe me: Download it and read it for yourself:
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Source: Piotr Bein
The British/English peoples could have brought all of this to an end, had they but supported the EDL & the BNP, but,sadly, they have not,..As all the while the rest of Europe & Australia, & Canada & America,. are going down that same road of racial & cultural suicide, which, can but lead to our destruction as a race & as a people,..
Hark,..what’s that sound,.? I think I hear the angels weeping,..
Powerful stuff. Breaking the legs of her brother to prevent her from testifying….no doubt the Jews are pleased with the havoc they have unleashed upon innocent white children.
Juden always need a spoilt golem in every gulag of their evil diaspora and Europe has been long prejudaised with Christardism that still freezes analysis and thus paralyses revenge…it is peacetime terrorism…the the Mosaic ideologies they have taught their classist shabbos goyish captives in youth, are all basically the vectors of remote Judaism, so the state is a virtual captive of Israel, especially in New Jerusalem England.