David SimsEssays

What “Protected Group” Really Means

by David Sims

sarah_marshak_cropA FEW YEARS ago, on 23 October 2007, Sarah Marshak (pictured) began creating a hoax of an antisemitic “hate crime” by drawing a swastika on the whiteboard mounted on the door of her dorm room and then reported it to the campus security police. On 27 October, another female dorm resident, Erica Tanne, who also is Jewish, found a swastika on her door. On 28 October, Marshak reported her fourth swastika, and on the 30th her fifth. A sixth swastika was found on a fence near the GW Hospital.

At some point during this hoaxing, the University administration called in the FBI to catch the “Nazis” who were presumably threatening poor, innocent little Jewish girls on the GWU campus. The police set up hidden cameras in Marshak’s hall where they could observe her door. Guess who they caught drawing the next swastika? Yep. Sarah Marshak.

What the news stories usually don’t tell you is the extent to which the GWU administration and nearby Jewish organizations were calling for the arrest and punishment of the offender, prior to the discovery that the offender was a Jewish girl. It was extreme. A male student was expelled for something he did not do. Criminal charges were considered, which might have led to wrongful imprisonment.

But just as soon as the real culprit was discovered, and the world learned that she was a Jewish girl, suddenly the “take-’em-down-put-’em-away” rhetoric vanished. Suddenly, the crime didn’t seem so bad. Suddenly, all the perpetrator did was make a roundabout “cry for help.” This is the kind of nasty double-standard that we White Gentiles have to put up with in this Zionist occupied country.

Actually, the accountability standard is multiple, not just double. The strictness with which you’ll probably be judged, and the severity of the punishment that you can expect, for any given politically incorrect act, depends on which racial, religious, socioeconomic, and political group you belong to. And sexual orientation.

The more mainstream you are, the less leeway you have. Whereas that might appear to turn the democratic ideal upside down, that’s nevertheless how things are.

Are you a White Christian [or, heaven forbid, a racially-conscious White free-thinker — Ed.]? Expect strictness and severity. Are you Jewish? Expect forgiveness and and mild penance, if any.

Are you White? Expect strictness and severity. Are you Black? Expect plea-bargain deals and probation.

Do you work for a living? Expect strictness and severity. Does your income come to you without your having to raise either sweat or a hand? Expect charges to be dismissed, if any were ever filed in the
first place.

Are you a normal heterosexual? Expect strictness and severity. Are you a homosexual pervert? Expect the benefit of every doubt.

The standards for accountability are stratified. The Jews have the highest status and hence the most lenient treatment for their offensiveness and the greatest favor when their complaints are given official consideration. Then come the richest of the non-Jews. Then (among those who aren’t extremely wealthy) come the Blacks, the Hispanics, and the homosexuals. Then come persons of color who are neither Black nor Hispanic.

* * *

Source: David Sims

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Will Williams
Will Williams
11 September, 2017 2:53 pm

Are you a non-Jewish, heterosexual, racially-conscious, White free-thinker with no non-White dependents?

If so, you might consider joining the National Alliance, an organization for you: https://natall.com/join-us/

B. Smith
B. Smith
12 September, 2017 1:38 am

I think, at least sometimes, this “strictness” against normal white working males, and white people in general may act as a “natural selection”, and one that can be sensitized in some quality white people with some doses of true history and knowledge. I know one person who I thought I’d have to give up on. But external factors such as these are making progress where words from me did not. What was that saying: “There is a tide in the course of human affairs which when taken at the flood leads on to success…” Or something like that. Far from the flood but there, on the terrifying sun beat mudflats, where the tide of our people has run so far out… I stand a moment, then slog again through sucking… Read more »

12 September, 2017 1:25 pm

I am the lone European-Christian in the Bolshevik Jew Utopia of NY. I am surrounded by the children and grandchildren of ex-NKVD – the proud butchers of 100 Million European Christians. They live in palaces from the money they are given in federal aid and allowed to steal in the $10 Billion in Medicaid fraud they commit a year with the protection of NY’s jew senator whose district was once this area – that is before they even delve into the more traditional crimes like heroin, extortion, and forced prostitution of European Christian girls – in fact the jew who once lived directly behind me pled guilty to “involuntary servitude” for keeping a dozen European Christian girls hostage. I and my family have suffered anti-christian bigotry and terrorism from the… Read more »

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Andronicus
12 September, 2017 3:03 pm

Sounds like you could use a geographical cure from all of that Jewyness. Forty years is plenty enough; it will make you crazy at some point.

Christianity doesn’t seem to be helping the Europeans in New York very much. Maybe they should recognize that they have been worshiping the Jew’s tribal god all of their lives. That would be a good start toward freeing them from the Jew’s clutches.

Reply to  Will Williams
12 September, 2017 5:02 pm

I have thought that at times too. The issue is the infiltrated church, not Christ. He transcended his tribe and was murdered for it. He truly was the greatest threat to their control since the Roman Armies. The Gospels are not the work of talmud writers. It reads nothing like the Old testament which served as nothing more than propaganda and a celebration of war crimes, deceit, mass insanities and genocide of non-jews. Much of Christianity that is used against us, has never been Christianity, but what is spewed at us by our enemies. The truth is most “Christians” have very little understanding of their own heritage, let alone any understanding of Christ. Most Christians blindly followed a corrupted and infiltrated church that cares about Christians even less than it… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
1 January, 2020 12:05 am

Will, it’s over two years, but I don’t believe this NY story. Why would he attend such a college with his previous experiences with jews? NYS just north of NYC has many community colleges with no jews (they serve latinos and negroids these days however). He would’ve had to transfer anyway if he had a D average. Parochial colleges in his area, like superb Iona [Prep], have no jews and provide scholarships to parochial high-schoolers. But mostly, why was he in contact with jews from college, after college, to hear them openly brag about cheating? Jews studying the Talmud – the ultra-orthodox – do not converse with the goyim unless they need something repaired or are trying to sell them something; do they actually attend college (most lack any common… Read more »

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  Andronicus
31 December, 2019 11:15 am

WOW…That one hell of a story.I didnt realize how “redneck” Joos can be!

12 September, 2017 1:44 pm

The Mosquito She comes to prey You cannot escape her She will fit in the tiniest breech and enter your home She will hide in the shadows until night Then she will stalk you Hungrily eyeing any exposed skin Zealously she flies closer A faint buzz, you know she is here As you try to live in peace, she eyes you still Waiting for her chance when you are distracted or asleep Finally she pounces, penetrating your flesh with her serrated knife Probing for a rich vein to draw your lifeblood She draws upon you – spilling poisons and filth into your blood She was not careful and you feel her sting A quick swat of the hand and this filthy thing that had entered your home from the smallest… Read more »

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Andronicus
12 September, 2017 6:28 pm

A Purple Martin can eat 2,000 mosquitoes per day. Build houses for them, a colony of martins will keep the nasty little blood suckers in check.

As for Jews and other non-Whites claiming fake “hate crimes” by Whites, here’s a record: http://www.fakehatecrimes.org/

28 May, 2019 7:35 pm

The only group that stands up to them are blacks.

Sam I am
Sam I am
Reply to  Guess
29 May, 2019 9:14 pm

Just 30 to 40 unfettered young muslim men and schoolboys in a year could expunge all the jews from France, slightly more needed in England. Diaspora jews aren’t up for a fight except with words. Only goyim careerists keep them on a high horse in the West instead of a stinky donkey in the Mideast.