
Nordic Resistance Plants Banner on the Heights

RESISTANCE ACTIVISTS from Next 1’s second battle group set off early on the morning of May 5th to put up a very large Tyr Rune banner on top of a crane at the Hammarby Lock. The action was filmed, including some footage from our own quadrocopter drone.

It was around half past three in the morning as activists from Kamp Group 2 climbed high up in a crane standing at Hammarby Lock, just south of Södermalm. When it reached the top they hung a large Tyr Rune flag from the top — so high up that it could be seen as far afield as Gullmarsplan, more than two miles away.

The action was filmed as one can see in the above video. Our quadrocopter drone was used to film the banner at close range. This was the first, but probably not the last time, that a Resistance campaign was documented in this way.

If you’re in Sweden and interested in helping out the next time we conduct a campaign in southern Stockholm? Do not hesitate to get in touch with Anders Rydberg at

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The Nordic Resistance Movement (Nordiska Motståndsrörelsens), headed by Klas Lund, is a National Socialist movement. It is anti-Jewish and pro-Hitler. Founded in 1997 as the Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen), it has expanded to encompass Norway, Finland, and Denmark. It also has a presence in Iceland.


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George Wright
George Wright
8 May, 2015 12:36 am

It is encouraging that not all Swedes are trying to hand thier country over to non white immigrants.

21 October, 2015 2:11 pm

An English version of the NORDFRONT Web site is badly needed!! It is essential to have reliable, detailed infos about the horrible MASS INVASION to which ALL of Scandinavia, the very cradle of the White Race, is being subjected right at this moment!… Long live SCANDINAVIA and the NORDIC PEOPLE!!!