
Black Thugs Ask White Man a ‘Question’ About Michael Brown Before Assaulting Him on St. Louis Train

Metro Black Attack

A “QUESTION” about Michael Brown was the pretext for a sudden and brutal Black-on-White assault on the St. Louis MetroLink train earlier this week. And police are asking the public to help them find the perpetrators.

A White male was riding on Monday night when he was approached by a group of Black men who asked him what he thought about the Aug. 9, 2014, shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

When the 43-year-old man told police he replied that he hadn’t put that much thought into it, one of the men, dressed in a red shirt and hat, started punching the victim repeatedly in the face, KTVI-TV reported.

After the first thug got several punches in, a second suspect in a gray jacket is seen throwing in a shot as well. The suspect in red delivered a final kick before all three suspects got off the train.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Watch the Facebook video linked below; nobody intervenes, nobody helps, nobody cares as a White man is beaten. There is only laughter. This is the future we are guaranteeing for ourselves and our children if we fail to do our utmost to bring a White nation into being. Warning: Strong language and violence.

Facebook user Twan Davis later uploaded video of the attack.

The victim — who appears to be the only White passenger in the train car — later told police that he was initially approached by the three men from behind and the man in the red hat asked to use his cellphone, a request he denied. The Michael Brown question and unprovoked beating came after.

Police in St. Louis are currently searching for the three suspects. According to KTVI-TV, they are described as:

• Suspect #1: Black male, 20-25 years old, wearing a red T-shirt
• Suspect #2: Black male, 18-22 years old
• Suspect #3: Black male, 18-22-years old

The news outlet also published photos of the attackers from the train’s surveillance camera:

Metro Black

Metro Black 2

Michael Brown was shot to death after attacking Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9th, 2014. Activists, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and the global media all circulated the false narrative that Brown had his hands up and said “Don’t Shoot.” This was subsequently proven to be a fraud, even by Holder’s Justice Department report. Yet Black activists continue to stoke racial tensions by pretending it really happened. It didn’t.

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Source: Top Right News

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2 April, 2015 10:48 am

The guy should have carried a gun knowing he was on a train potentially being outnumbered by Congoids, who are real tough when they are in their pack — but alone they’re nothing but chickensh**s!

Michael Olanich
Michael Olanich
3 April, 2015 9:50 pm

The greatest superpower on Earth in action. Inner-city Whites have no options. If you fight back or defend yourself, you risk hate-crime charges filed against YOU, not the uncivilized savages who may beat or kill you on your way to work. But sometimes… you just have to go against those odds and take the risks involved. After all, what choice does a real White man have?