Are You an “Anti-Semite”? If You Dare Quote the Jewish Elite Themselves — You Are!
This commentary sounds almost like it could have been by comedian Jeff Foxworthy — he’s made a career out of popularizing the phrase “You might be a redneck if…”. Below you will find a Jewish-sponsored, Gentile guilt project designed to make you feel guilty and turn you into an “anti-Semite” for having opinions of which Jewish leaders routinely boast.
by Dr. David Duke (pictured)
FRENCH COMEDIAN Dieudonné has been convicted in court eight times on antisemitism charges for daring to make fun of Jews. While he makes fun of all peoples, interestingly, he has only faced charges for jokes regarding Jews. It’s okay to make jokes and ridicule everyone else, but the powerful Jewish elite is off limits.
And that’s the catch folks. You can criticize just about anyone for anything. You can put out pornographic drawings of the most revered man in Islam, the Prophet Mohammed, with exaggerated Arabic features, having sex with his genitals hanging out, and that’s no problem.You can do obscene cartoons and depictions of the kindhearted teacher of universal love, Jesus Christ. But, lord help you if you criticize your new masters!
If you dare to make a cartoon of the butcher of Zion, Israel’s Netanyahu, and decorate him with the same Jewish symbols Israel puts on the bombs with which they kill and maim thousands, you might go to jail. If you exaggerate the physical features of Jews as the media routinely do to Arabs, you might go to jail in Europe. In America, you would probably not go to jail, but you have a good chance of having your entire career destroyed.
Lucky for me, my shtick — being a redneck — is still legal in the United States, thanks to those rednecks who wrote our Bill of Rights, one of the earliest and most powerful documents for human rights in all of world history.
With headlines in Britain and around the world screaming that 45% of English people hold anti-Semitic views, I rushed out and called my big-nosed stereotypical Jewish broker and got me some shares in British FEMA camp construction companies! (That’s satire folks — it would be just like the Zio media to quote me as if I were serious!)
The 45% figure was according to a poll conducted by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism that I read about in The Daily Mail Newspaper. For those of you who live on a dirt road off of a dirt road, and your hounds chased away the paper boy, and you weren’t able to get a copy of the Daily Mail, maybe you were spending your days and nights wondering whether you are an anti-Semite. Don’t worry, The Campaign will tell you! Better yet, I will tell you now! I’ll explain to you what constitutes anti-Semitic views, by the most unimpeachable sources in the world — the Jewish dominated international media!
1) If you think that Jews have too much power in the media, then you are an anti-Semite.
Doesn’t matter that Jews in leading Jewish publications such as The Los Angeles Times and The Jewish Times, The Times of Israel and many other Jewish elite boast that their tribe (2 percent of the U.S. population) has overwhelming power over the media. If you believe those Jewish elite, then, according to them, you are definitely… an anti-Semite.

But, you are in good company, for apparently a lot of elite Jews also believe that Jews have enormous power in Media.
When will the Zio media call themselves “anti-Semites?” Don’t hold your breath!
2) If you think that Jews believe they are better than other people, you might be an anti-Semite
Below is a picture of and quotes in the Israeli press concerning the most revered religious figure in Israel over the last 4 decades — Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Not only was he the chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, but also the spiritual leader of the Shaas Party, which was in coalition with Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party in the government of Israel.
He has made repeated statements that not only are Jews better than every one else, but that the entirety of the rest of humanity, 99.7 percent of the world’s population, was created only to be servants to Jews. Isn’t it nice to know that if you are a non-Jew, your sole purpose on earth is to be a servant to the Jewish demigods?
Rabbi Yosef called for “wiping out the seed” of the Palestinians from the world, and he was infamous for comparing all Gentiles to donkeys, and how Jews like him want Gentiles to live long lives, just as Jews want their donkeys to live long — so they can serve their Jewish masers. In clear language Gentiles are meant to do all the hard work as servants to Jews, while Jews are meant to “sit like an ‘effendi’ (a master), and eat.” Don’t worry if you’re a Gentile, after all shouldn’t it warm your heart that this racist hater allows you to serve the superior Jews?
Of course anyone who said such hateful words in context toward blacks in America would be universally condemned by both blacks and whites. Now if anyone said what Rabbi Yosef said but said it about Jews, he would be sitting in prison! Was Rabbi Yosef condemned by Israel or by major Jewish organizations around the world?
Nope. When he died last year he was given the largest funeral in the History of Israel with universal Jewish adulation.
But if you know about Yosef and don’t like his hatred toward you and your loved ones, you don’t need to worry because you are definitely an anti-Semite!
For those who simply can’t believe what I said is true, here are direct quotes from the most respected newspaper in Israel, The Jerusalem Post. The headline reads: “Josef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews.” Rabbi Yosef was the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi and the foremost rabbinical authority in Israel.
“The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages.
“Goyim, [that’s you the non-Jew watching this] were born only to serve us. They have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
Yosef goes on to say that the only value of a Gentile life is to serve Jews. He says:
“Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant…That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.” Yosef said.
“Why are Gentiles needed? They will work. They will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi [a master] and eat.
“That is why gentiles were created.”
Okay, now, we dumb Goys can finally understand why we were created – why we even exist. Our only purpose is to be servants to Jews. How could I have been so wrong for so long! Let all us inferiors fall on our knees and worship the superior Jews!

3) If you think that Jews talk about the Holocaust to get sympathy, chances are you are an anti-Semite.

Shulamit Aloni, a former Israeli cabinet minister, admits that the Holocaust and the “anti-Semite” accusation are used to manipulate those who criticize Zionists. So this former member of the Israeli government must be an anti-Semite as well. In a YouTube video you can see her statements taped from a live news program in the United States. If you believe the former Israeli cabinet minister is telling the truth… you are an anti-Semite.
Here’s the direct quote, written about in The Times of Israel, but any print articles in the “American” Zio Controlled Media were appropriately censored from us dumb goys! However, this shocking statement was transcribed and disseminated in the Israeli media. But they didn’t have to worry that the great rabbi would face universal condemnation among Jews. After all, who can argue with the fact that Jews were meant to be masters over Gentiles, and the Gentiles were meant to be servants. The following is from The Times of Israel:
On 14 August 2002, former Israeli minister, Shulamit Aloni, said this on the show, Democracy Now.
“It is a trick; we always use it. When, from Europe, if someone is criticizing Israel, we bring up the Holocaust. When, in this country (USA), people are criticizing Israel then ‘they are anti-Semitic’..
“And the organization is strong and has a lot of money and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country..”
She continued, “They have power, money, media and other things and their attitude is Israel my country right or wrong… They are not ready to hear criticism. It is very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people and that ‘justifies’ everything we do to the Palestinians….”
4) If you believe that Jewish people chase money more than others, odds are you are an anti-Semite.
Does one have to say anything more than mention the largest predator bank on Earth, Goldman Sachs? Must we show this universally evident phenomenon by pointing out the rise of the almost entirely Jewish Oligarchs in Russia, who stole 45 percent of Russia’s vast natural wealth in only 3 or 4 years? Of course, the fact that Jewish financiers have committed the greatest financial scandals of history doesn’t mean all Jews chase money like this, but com’ on, pound for pound, really — who chases money more than Jews? Often Jewish publications themselves boast of this chronic trait.
5) If you think Jews are not as honest in business as other people, it just may be that you are an anti-Semite.
This evidence of anti-Semitic bias against Jews as financial shysters is so obvious that they must repeat this anti Semitic charge twice so Gentiles understand that believing this is the epitome of “anti-Semitism.” How dumb we goy are, to think that the greatest financial thefts in world history have been at the hands of this small enigmatic people. Why should we goyim believe the Jewish historians who boast of the most powerful banker in world history, Mayer Rothschild and their proud recounting that he made much of his great fortune from enormous financial frauds carefully recorded in Jewish histories for fellow Jews to marvel over and cherish. Why should we believe the Jewish-written biographies of him. Do we have to mention the Jewish Oligarchs of Russia again, or Goldman Sachs, or the rogues gallery of the biggest thieves in the history of Wall Street, such as Bernie Madoff?
Why should Jewish Hollywood not celebrate the cool Jewish Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort, portrayed in the movie of the same name, but given money and control over the way he was depicted in the film? Of course, we know it was accidental that they used the handsome, extremely European looking Leonardo DiCaprio to make sure the Jewish connection was minimized. This Zio criminal who bankrupted and destroyed thousands of lives was paid a huge sum and given the right to control how he was portrayed!
But if you know that Jews have made up a larger share of business crooks on a per capita basis… just knowing that fact…. that makes you an “anti-Semite.”
6) If you think the Jews loyalty to Israel makes them less loyal to the country they live in, well, I have news for you, you are an anti-Semite.
Steven Steinlight, once head of National Affairs for the largest Jewish organization in America makes clear the loyalty that a Jewish communist expects!
Here are the words of Steven Steinlight, a leading Jewish intellectual in America and former head of the largest, most powerful Jewish Organization in America, The American Jewish Committee. Here are his own carefully written words from a magazine article he wrote:
“I’ll confess it, at least: like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one.”
(Direct quote from the Backgrounder magazine article — “The Jewish Stake in Changing Immigration” – by Stephen Steinlight, October 2001)

So now we know that the former head of National Affairs of one of the largest Jewish organizations believes that “typical Jews” are raised with loyalty to Israel and the Jewish people are above the nation in which they live and above all other peoples around them.
He must be an “anti-Semite” right?
Oh no, Jews can’t be anti-Semites, only Gentiles who believe and say out-loud the same thing that elite Jews believe can be anti-Semites! Boy, we goys must really be stupid mensch not to know that we can’t quote powerful Jewish sources! …So now you know if you are an “anti-Semite,” or just a person who knows and speaks the truth!
Did you every consider why there is a media-popularized word for being an “anti-Semite” but not for being an anti-Gentile?
Don’t hold your breath for any books about “anti-Gentilism,” that just wouldn’t be Kosher…
You know when you’re a redneck… When you dare to defend yourself, your own people, and all the people of the world from the ultimate supremacists!
I’ll go back to walking my hound dog….
* * *
My complements to David Duke
Anti-Semitism is a word like other new words in our languages German, English, French, Russian , Spanish etc.
In Germany once was a society or party called, the Frucht Bringende Gesellschaft. Fruit Bearing Society to preserve their language.This was to purge alien or foreign words or phrases and to also purify the language.
A word is an idea. And can be very dangerous or good to any culture. This word, anti-Semetismis is the arrant spore of a conspiracy that will proliferate to arbitrary tyranny and if it is not purged with its progenitors
will be the end of all culture and life.
Anti-semite = Jew-wise.
Phil (proud anti-semite)
We are witnessing the raping and murdering of American freedom. The Zionists have infiltrated every single governmental agency. They have bankrupted Americans out of their homes and out of their retirement accounts. We give Israel, as of this moment, 5 billion a year so that they can get a free college education and medical care that we don’t even provide our own people. It’s time for them to get out of this country and we need to start speaking out against them. They have been removed from 109 countries for this very same reason, they are the human stain, a blight on humanity and they are destroying this country and the world by existing. They worship Satan, they hate Christians, they hate anyone who is not Jewish and call Jesus… Read more »
If you are referring to USA in North
America, there is no country left to throw them out of.
The USofA is thoroughly balkanized. The only thing
holding it together is a fiat currency, and even THAT
is coming into question:
An anti-Semite is someone the jews hate, not someone who hates jews. Especially, as this article by David Duke so ably points out, jews hate those who call out the jews for what they are doing.
If the albatross of Christianity had not been hung around
his neck, David Duke would have been (and still could be)
a great Caucasian leader….