
America: Founded as a White Nation

Washington as ZeusI hold this truth to be self-evident: that the United States of America was at its inception founded as a country of, by, and for White people, regardless of what it has become or degenerated into today.

by James Harting

THE ELITES ruling America today, and the Jews prime among them, have replaced the traditional definition of America as a White people’s country with the peculiar notion that it is a “propositional nation.” This pipe-dream holds that that anyone, from anywhere in the world and of whatever race or ethnicity, can become an American if they agree with certain sugary platitudes about racial equality, equal opportunity, democracy, and so forth, and if they embrace some version of the capitalist fantasy in which everyone can theoretically become a millionaire if they just work hard enough. (ILLUSTRATION: Washington Enthroned by Horatio Greenough)

But the indisputable historical reality is that America was not founded as a “propositional nation” open to everyone in the world, but as a White people’s republic.

The Founding of America

The noted National-Socialist thinker Matt Koehl commented on the racial origins of the United States in his 1973 essay, “America: A Racial Mission.” He wrote:

Before the coming of the first Europeans, the concept of ‘America’ didn’t exist — either as a nation or as a geographical term.

American history did not begin until the first White men set foot on these shores. Our history began as an extension of European — i.e., White, Western, or Aryan — history.

The pre-Columbian aborigines scattered across the North American continent and periodically engaging in inter-tribal warfare certainly did not regard themselves as ‘Americans,’ or for that matter, as members of one, single community.

So, even before it was an independent country, America was already a racial-political expression of the White Man. Indeed, that the US was conceived of as a White people’s republic is manifest in its very foundational documents, such has the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Declaration of Independence

Proponents of the dishonest notion of racial equality love to quote the following passage of the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Stirring stuff, and when ripped from its historical context and cited in isolation, it does apparently support the bizarre concept of racial equality.

The reality, however, is that Jefferson was speaking metaphorically, not literally, and within a very circumscribed definition of “all men.” He himself owned dozens (perhaps hundreds) of primitive Negro slaves, none of whom he considered as the equal of any free White man.

In penning this passage, Jefferson was paraphrasing the Virginia Declaration of Rights, authored by George Mason. That document holds that “all men are equally free and independent” before the law. This sentiment would be understood in the context of the times to contrast with the British legal notion, that all men were not equal before the law, that is, that the royalty and nobility had legal rights that ordinary free citizens (“commoners”) did not have. It was further understood that by “men,” Mason and Jefferson meant White, male, adults — and no one else. (Mason, it should be noted, was another slave-holder, along with George Washington and other of the Founding Fathers.)

Elsewhere in the Declaration, Jefferson revealed his attitude (and those of the other Founding Fathers who signed the document) towards the race gently referred to today as “Native Americans,”

[King George III] has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

“Merciless Indian savages!” That is certainly not a ringing endorsement of racial equality and tolerance!

The Declaration was written in 1776. Some eleven years later, the US Constitution was drafted. It is much more racialist, both implicitly and explicitly.

The Constitution of the United States of America

Although it unfortunately does not always use racially explicit language, the Constitution is essentially a White racialist document. It divides the population of the US into three categories: (1) Negro slaves, called here “Other Persons”; (2) Indians; and (3) “We the People,” meaning, obviously, White people, if we subtract Negroes and Indians from the total population.

The low estimation in which the Founding Fathers held Blacks is reflected in the so-called “Three-Fifths Compromise,” found in Article I, Section Two, paragraph three. It reads:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

The meaning here is that for purposes of apportioning representatives to Congress, which is determined by the population of each state, Blacks counted for only three-fifths of a White person. That Negroes are referred to here as “Other Persons” is especially telling: the Constitution specifically sets them apart from “We the (White) People.”

Also mentioned in that paragraph are Indians, who are put in the same category as Blacks for purposes of taxation. Further in the Constitution, Congress is granted the specific power of dealing with Indians, who are not defined or considered as citizens:

Congress shall have the Power … To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes…[Art. I, Sect. 8, para. 3]

The Constitution was ratified in 1788; it was not until 1924 that Congress granted citizenship to all Indians in the US who were not explicitly granted citizenship by a previous treaty.

So we see that although it did not always define the racial character of the new American republic clearly, the Founding Fathers were thinking and acting along racial lines.

The Naturalization Act of 1790

Perhaps the Framers came to some belated realization that they needed to speak more clearly concerning race and the law. The Naturalization Act of 1790, setting out who may become a citizen of the new American nation, states explicitly,

That any alien, being a free White person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States, for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof…

You cannot get any clearer than that!

The United States of America was founded as a country of White people, by White people and for future generations of White children.

Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or a liar.

Into the Darkness

Today, in 2014, the majority of elementary school children in the US are non-White, and the percentage of non-Whites grows each day as the percentage of White children declines: that is the future that the ruling elites have in mind for us.

The US is, supposedly, a democracy. Yet the government has never asked the White population if they agreed to allow themselves to become extinct. There has been no public national debate. Instead, White genocide is being foisted on us without consultation or permission.

Those White people who are racially aware need to decide whether they are going to meekly acquiesce to their extermination — or if they are going to rise up and fight back.

A wise man once wrote:

If, through the instrument of governmental authority, a people is being led to its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of that people, it is his duty.


Those who want to live, let them fight; and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

* * *

Source: Stormfront

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4 April, 2015 4:48 pm

The federal principle destroyed statehood. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence are dead letters. The general government collapsed into consolidated despotism about 70 years after megalomaniac compact styled Constitution was put in service. The so-called framers of the Constitution should made iot very clear that all states would retain their sovereignty after signing the paper.

6 April, 2015 2:20 am

“Before the coming of the first Europeans, the concept of ‘America’ didn’t exist — either as a nation or as a geographical term.”

Neither did the name “America” exist.

Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
15 April, 2015 10:20 pm

America is named after the Italian (white) explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, who discovered the mainland after Columbus (another Italian, though possibly Jewish) discovered the West Indies. It is all from the European perspective. The Indians were not Americans (as in “Native Americans”) because they were not citizens and did call this land America.

5 November, 2016 5:05 pm

This land was never intended to be for one race or one religion. Especially since the land was stolen and the Natives were genocided for the land.

Reply to  Joe
5 November, 2016 9:08 pm

Whites were in America First.

Reply to  Joe
13 March, 2017 2:09 pm

Not an argument.

Reply to  Joe
7 October, 2017 1:44 pm

You are either wrong, or a liar! This was started as a White, non Jewish nation. Period. And no, this is not a racist statement. Its a Fact!

Brutal Reality
Brutal Reality
Reply to  Joe
16 January, 2018 8:57 am

The Naturalization Act of 1790 clearly contradicts your statement.

As for stolen land, well, yes war is often about the taking of other land. We aren’t the only ones who have done it. Israel is doing it now. We fought, we won, and that’s that. That is the way it has always been, and your guilt loaded statement isn’t going to change any minds here.

Reply to  Joe
1 July, 2020 12:34 pm

You are wrong. Nordic, white remains were found to be earlier settlers than the Natives. You also confuse land with a nation … The Natives had no nation. Whites made this land into America – the most coveted First World Nation – founded by – and created for – whites and their descendants.

mr fixit
mr fixit
Reply to  Joe
7 January, 2021 3:29 pm

What? Indians did not own land, and never claimed to. They were violent and killed one another and attacked settlers constantly. The reason they are gone is simply because of disease and mostly intermarriage. Indian towns are not subject to US Law. The majority of Indians WANTED to live amongst whites because of the advantages, and they quickly inter-married themselves into non-existence. Something we see with Jews actually today.

Reply to  Joe
15 February, 2022 2:20 pm

The “Native Americans” killed off tribes that already resided on the American Continent when they came over.

I’m sick of people defending them

Reply to  Joe
28 April, 2022 10:44 pm

Stolen? It’s called conquest! It was a 400 year war and we won! Countries have been annexing, conquering and warring with other nations and countries since the dawn of time but when whitey does it, it’s the epitome of evil? ‍♂️ Answer me this. What people who have ever conquered another in a war, actually parceled off land specifically for the losers and also pay them a monthly stipend and grant them their own laws in opposition to those of the conquering nation?! Native Americans were utterly brutal savages who were judged by the Most High as well as Africans thrown into slavery for all of their cannibalistic barbarism but the way you naive fools see them is as flowery butterfly chasers at one with mother earth. Leave this country… Read more »

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Joe
30 April, 2022 4:47 pm

Nobody “intended” this land’s fate. Whites were smart enough and lucky enough to win this in militaristic competition with savages. End of story! If your side wins, there’s no sense in complaining, as if you were cheated.

John Locke
John Locke
25 March, 2017 10:12 am

It is true to say ‘Whites were in America First’ is ‘not an argument’ for it is a statement of fact (putting aside the native savages).

Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
19 July, 2017 11:36 am

Oldest skeletal remains found so far in North America (about 13,000 yrs) have skulls with Caucasoid features; noticeably triangular nasal cavity opening, narrow cheek bones, relatively tall head, narrow/pointed chin, eye sockets that have noticeable squaring off.

Oldest skeletal remains found so far with skulls having Asiatic mongoloid features go back about 9,000 yrs.

19 July, 2017 4:58 pm

White people stole the land, committed genocide on the Natives, read the stories on how the U.S. government literally send troops to massacre Natives including women and children, and enslaved black folks for centuries, splitting families, selling them, buying them like property, raping them, and now you guys have the audacity to say this is a white country?

Randy Thomas
Randy Thomas
Reply to  Joe
7 October, 2017 1:45 pm

Joe, you old fool! We did not steal it. We conquered this land!

mr fixit
mr fixit
Reply to  Joe
7 January, 2021 3:31 pm

LOL genocide. The leftist revisionist history is strong in this one.

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Joe
30 April, 2022 4:59 pm

Conquest is not “stealing” anything. Ever heard of “may the best man win”?

Native Amerindians are still here. They did not suffer “genocide”, jackass!

Blacks were the first-and-last to enslave their fellow negroes. They were happy to buy or barter their fellow blacks in exchange of iron cooking ware, guns. booze and tobacco. They felt entitled to rape their own babies into a nigress on offer. And yes, we have the audacity and RIGHT-OF-CONQUEST TO NAME AMERICA AS WHITE MAN’S LAND! Who else gave America it’s name? We ARE the Native Americans. Deal with it, Injun Joe!

15 August, 2017 6:37 pm

Great article and very well written. Thank you!

1 November, 2017 6:21 pm

The haters continue to deny it, but america is a white country. Just look at who its founders were, the men who created its constitution, its ideals, its values, its technologies, its infrastructure of education, transportation, healthcare and manufacturing – it was created by white men. Just look at old film footage of america, especially before WW2, look at the people on the street, in the workplaces, in the classrooms, in advertising and popular publications of the day – they were all white. America was not “stolen” or built on the backs of non-whites, it was conceived, planned and built by white minds and mostly white labor. As such,it will require a white majority to maintain its civility and viability and long-term sustenance. Even the non-whites, on some level, understand… Read more »

Reply to  BW
16 January, 2018 7:35 pm

It was a white country, not anymore, and day by day whites are becoming a minority.
Even if trump deported all non-white immigrants out of here, the country is still becoming brown since whites don’t reproduce as much as other races.

mr fixit
mr fixit
Reply to  BW
7 January, 2021 3:32 pm

Even if you watch youtube videos of NYC in the 1990s, there were NO people of color, almost none! Maybe 5% and that was considered “international” It was about as international as Shanghai is in 2020. lol!

16 January, 2018 7:33 pm

Keep saying that, you might actually believe it.

Mari Dawn Lyner
Mari Dawn Lyner
17 September, 2018 6:08 pm

Joe, Whites don’t reproduce as much because we’ve been disenfranchised from our inheritance. Our wealth is being given away in foreign aid, welfare to immigrants, and corporate welfare. Colleges are actively discriminating against young white men in favor of coloreds. Affirmative action is in place to rob whites of necessary high paying jobs to support their families. White Americans are being robbed and marginalized. If whites do ever become a minority, America will surely fall. As other races have demonstrated in their own countries that they cannot sustain a first world country with a high standard of living. What a joke it is that immigrants risk life and limb to pour into our country to benefit from its greatness, and then they contribute to its downfall just by being here.… Read more »

Nemesis Enforcer
Nemesis Enforcer
Reply to  Mari Dawn Lyner
22 February, 2019 12:23 pm

Mari Dawn Lyner, Whites claim a coherent supremacy over non-white groups, but whites in America in particular display a lot of racial inferiorities: -American “whites” have had their purity diluted through years of miscegenation; you’re not “white”, you’re “off-white” thanks to reproducing with blacks, browns, Natives, Jews, and Asians. (FACT) -The former stands to reason as American whites weren’t originally the cream of the crop from Europe in the first place. Immigrants to America from Europe were the dregs, rejects, castaways, refugees, criminals, betas, political losers, and also-rans of the more pure and successful European natives who weren’t forced to migrate to the New World. Inferior seeding stock – i.e. the white European migrants – produce inferior progeny. (Also FACT) -This is further complicated by the FACT that the American… Read more »

Reply to  Mari Dawn Lyner
15 February, 2022 2:26 pm

I know that Cyberpunk 2077 is just a fantasy game. But what you said pretty much fits that game.

the white truth
the white truth
25 January, 2019 9:50 am

the biggest enemy of the white nation is tayip erdogan. he will never give up killing the white american citizens of the usa.
he must be stopped! comrade trump knows what tayip has been doing but he prefers to ignore the truth about tayip.
texas and las vegas massacres was done by the turkish m.i.t.
tayip is also exploiting under age american children sexually.
american congress will recognize the armenian genocide in april 2019.

2 June, 2019 11:36 pm

America is country created together by many for example a black army called the black buffalo warriors conquered a lot of lands Texas, and there were a lot black soldiers in the army of white people you can look all this up. Also if it is okay to steal the native Americans land because all lands have been stolen before is like saying it is okay for the terrorist take over Europe and bring in the sharia law, and slavery is not a proof that America is a white nation only because there was slavery against white people also like the Irish, Germans or the French and many British people, and there were black slave owners in America also for Breeder William Ellison that had many white slaves so this… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Zack
3 June, 2019 7:30 am

The above comment by “Zack” came from a .edu email address. Don’t send your children to the brainwashing mills.

By These Words You Shall Know Me
By These Words You Shall Know Me
3 June, 2019 8:47 am

First came the code number “311” – 11th letter of the alphabet (K) repeated three times. Then came “1488” – for the “14 Words” and “88” for the 8th letter of the alphabet (H) repeated twice. And then comes the battle cry of “1790” – code-speak for “America was founded exclusively by whites for whites” and this historical truth can never be changed. So engrave the number “1790” in your brain, and whenever anyone tries to claim America was “founded as a multicultural nation” simply look them in the eye and say, “1790”. Let none ever forget the Naturalization Act of 1790″ – perhaps the most powerful confirmation we have that we walk in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers, and that our modern “racism” for which we are so… Read more »

3 June, 2019 5:57 pm

Whites are becoming a minority in the U.S., I guess it’s karma for what they did to the Natives of this land.

Reply to  Joe
3 June, 2019 9:56 pm

You make it easy. You cannot judge people by what their forefathers did, even though you can rely on historical trends and statistics to predict the future, the reason why the FBI publishes crime stats by race, though flawed (of course the DOJ must state other reasons). The behavior of jews in the West today is predictable from actions of 100 years ago in Russia and NYC. It certainly is from those of the 1960’s and 70’s. But even with jews’ contribution to drawing the US into the fratricidal conflict of WWII’s European theater, if they had rejected the liberalism and eschewed PC in the post-war period, some 80% to 90% of the critique they get today from sources as disparate as NV, Twitter, Cal State’s Kevin MacDonald, and TheRightStuffbiz… Read more »

Robert T
Robert T
Reply to  Sethmoto101
14 October, 2021 10:08 pm

“You cannot judge people by what their forefathers did…”
Not on an individual basis. Large groups, yes. The sons and grandsons usually have the same attitudes and outlook as their paternal ancestors. Just as an occasional Jew openly rejects Zionism, an occasional Negro will reject Negroism (Negro barbarism).
“Tonto! We’re surrounded by 10,000 Indians! And they’re screaming for blood! What are we going to do, Tonto?”
“What you mean ‘we,’ paleface?”

Allen Black
Allen Black
Reply to  Joe
14 October, 2021 5:37 pm

You answer like a parasite trying to justify his parasitism. What is happening in America isnt new. Whites build great civilizations, and the mud hut dwellers come running. The civilization becomes more third world the more non white it gets, and on the cycle goes. You NEED to point a finger at whites and shout “EVIL” because the alternative is to look into a mirror, and see the savagry, canabalism, brutality, human sacrifice, and enslavement that goes on in the non white world, which makes what white people did look like DISNEYLAND in comparison. Mass graves in America found with women and children with gnawed on bones, and worse….And as for slavery, blacks and Amer Indians practiced a FAR more brutal form of enslavement then whites ever did. White people… Read more »

Robert T
Robert T
Reply to  Allen Black
14 October, 2021 10:18 pm

“…when slavery was abolished, many negro BEGGED congress to reinstate them as slaves…”
The unCivil War was hard enough on Whites, with 750,000+ dead directly as a result of the war. The best figure so far is 600,000+ Negroes dead directly as a result of the war and of Reconstruction, which ended in 1876.
Many Negro former slaves stayed on their “former” Masters’ plantations, that is, where they had not been burnt to the ground, the crops destroyed, the livestock stolen and destroyed. Some of my relatives had the children and grandchildren of their grandfathers’ slaves as sharecroppers, cooks, groundskeepers, landscapers, mechanics. Some of my ancestors established agricultural and mechanical colleges for the former slaves, as it was no longer illegal to educate Negroes.

Allen Black
Allen Black
Reply to  Robert T
15 October, 2021 12:04 am

Your absolutely correct, and yes, some negro asked to be placed back in the care of their “masters” being unable to earn a living in low-skill jobs, and unused to personal responsibility. It shocked me when I read about this in a source online and thought it couldn’t possibly be true, and later read it elsewhere and then saw it in a documentary about slavery someone on Bitchute had made. 3 sources from 3 separate people plus common sense showed me that yes, that was a real situation…Liberia was founded because early whites had no intention on letting the negro stay in America. But within the first 2 years the negro sent their first had devolved into cannibal wars with neighboring tribes, and had all but run into the ground… Read more »

Robert T
Robert T
Reply to  Allen Black
15 October, 2021 9:39 pm

“…NEVER a word honoring the more then 750,000 whites who died to set them free…” 1. The 750,000+ includes both Union and Confederate forces. While most Confederate soldiers fought to defend their homes, families, and communities, they certainly did not fight and die to free slaves. The war was started by Lincoln’s Union to reinstate control over the Atlantic and Gulf seaports. The federal government was funded largely by excise taxes on tobacco and alcoholic beverages, and by import duties. Lincoln and his Republicans were not about to let those taxes get away. The Union offered a Constitutional amendment that would have made slavery and the domestic slave trade legal by state option. However, the Richmond government smelled a rat as along with the proposed amendment came an increase in… Read more »

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Joe
15 October, 2021 2:48 pm

“Karma” is just whining by people who are butthurt how history turned out. Whitey won. Bend the knee, loser!

Reply to  Joe
15 February, 2022 2:29 pm

it’s not karma.

the “Native Americans” weren’t innocent little Angels and I think it’s about time that people get that through their thick skulls. If anything, I think it’s the Indians who received their Karma. not the other way around.

Reply to  Joe
15 February, 2022 2:33 pm

and the only reason why whites are becoming the minority is because it’s been made difficult for us to have more than 2 kids. if it wasn’t difficult, we’d still be the high majority. Us becoming the minority isn’t a good thing at all. America is going to become a third world Country. There’s a reason why we are the Majority.

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Joe
30 April, 2022 5:03 pm

Stop claiming you believe in “Karma”; just because we call you a dirty Indian, doesn’t mean you can appropriate their culture. You’re a dirt-worshipper, nothing more!

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  LH Collins
1 May, 2022 9:39 am

LH Collin’s reply to “Joe’s” three-year-old off-topic bs, under Mr. Harting’s fine, seven-year-old essay: just because we call you a dirty Indian… — L.H., when you say “we,” you give the impression to readers on this NA site that you are speaking for the National Alliance. You do not. “We” didn’t call Joe a dirty Indian. To my knowledge you are neither an Alliance member nor a financial supporter, yet I count nine comments in a row by you on the front page of today’s comments. Don’t you have something else to do besides hogging comments on our board, forcing others’ comments to scroll off the front page? Don’t you think it’s about time to join or at least support our Alliance before you represent yourself to others as being… Read more »

WR Gullick
WR Gullick
3 June, 2019 11:27 pm

We most definitely need a White living space. Judging from the comments above, ignorance and academic propaganda have permeated the minds of most folks under forty. Colonization of northern lands such as Greenland and Canada’s NW Territories seem to be the best great hope for White survival. There is no forseeable future in trying to “change” the nasty multicultural environments that our governments have forced upon us. We can no longer “stay put”.

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
Reply to  WR Gullick
4 June, 2019 11:42 am

Living space, climate change, and food production are all integrated. The vast majority of farm owners/managers and food distribution managers, as well as farm animal vets, public water supply managers and engineers, are white. Climate change will lead to less food and drinking water production with current land use. There may be a short time-window for these whites to organize and prioritize entry into such a homeland during the chaos of transition from decayed democracy to totalitarianism rising in reaction to the crises. Such a land will have to seamlessly stretch into Canada as you state, as temperatures rise and reveal more arable land for planting and grazing there; traditional state borders will lose meaning. The behavior of non-whites during this chaos will make selection of who’ll be part of… Read more »

Robert T
Robert T
Reply to  Travon Martinberg
14 October, 2021 10:27 pm

Zimbabwe, the former Rhodesia, is gradually collapsing as the last Whites leave. The entire technological infrastructure is wearing out, falling to pieces. The Negroes are collectively unable to repair and maintain the obsolescent railways, the antique electrical grid, roadways.
South Africa started down that path later but as Whites leave the same thing is happening. The country is falling apart. The various varieties of Negroes are reverting to tribal culture, which they never really left behind, and going back to their time-honored sport of hunting other tribes of Negroes, massacring, enslaving, robbing, raping. Once again the women will do all of the work.
Think about it: the Negroes without Whites to run things will get along just fine, just as their ancestors did for 10,000+ years of primitive barbarism.

4 June, 2019 2:28 pm

The racial adjustment will be managed by Natural Selection. White people haven’t fought for White separation since the ’60s, and that was sectional.

There is no homeland; it’s all Federaland. The actors and assassins on the Potomac transformed this country into a Federal Fortress a long time ago.

Bring up the Knight Riders — The Rough Riders.

4 June, 2019 7:29 pm

I’m sure you guys still watch the NBA and NFL right lol
Just enjoy life, stop having so much hatred in your hearts.
We’re all God’s children, aren’t we.

Reply to  Joe
4 June, 2019 10:44 pm

Joe, I haven’t had tv service of any kind in my home since 1989. So you can keep your monkeyball entertainment, I’m not one of those lemmings who clamor for bread and circuses and waste away my life on idle amusements such as what you’re advocating. Is this what “God’s children” do with their lives? If so, I’ll pass on your “religion.” Life for me is about taking responsibility for the future of our race, and it’s done out of respect, admiration, and yes, even love for who we are and who we can become. Serving the Creator’s purpose–of which we are a part of the Creator– is about achieving self-realization. This is what Cosmotheism is for each of us who have become awakened to our Path. Try it sometime… Read more »

Robert T
Robert T
Reply to  Joe
14 October, 2021 10:29 pm

Yes, and God appointed the different types of humans to their designated parts of the world.

Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
4 June, 2019 11:53 pm

Hey Joe, you are the type of lemming who William Pierce ridiculed as the “Joe Sixpacks” who were content as long as there were sports on the tube and beer in the fridge. Are you oblivious to the world crumbling around you? Are you aware of the hordes of third worlders flooding into the country with diseases hoping to get free health care paid for by the stupid gringo taxpayers? Do you want to see the US transformed into a third world, disease-ridden, communist toilet bowl where whites are hated? Is that what our ancestors fought and died for? Do you want to see the US transformed into a muslim country where the Constitution has been replaced by sharia law? You say we are hateful for wanting to be free… Read more »

Reply to  Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
29 October, 2019 12:19 pm

Check out this quote from Lincoln. ” there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” Do not be deceived. All the talk about equality and fairness is a smoke screen. One will seek the superior position, and one inferior. This is what you are seeing today. Blacks seeking a superior position. Open your eyes and look! This seeking of a superior position is a pig dressed… Read more »

Reply to  Phil
15 October, 2021 9:58 pm

It’s easy to see that Lincoln didn’t hate Negroes and mulattos; he believed that Whites need to be separate from Negroes. Living among Whites elevates a few Negroes but mostly coexistence with Negroes drags Whites down.
I don’t fault Negroes who want to escape Negroedom and live in safety among Whites. But if tolerated more Negroes will follow those, beginning the destruction of White civilized society.
Does a single example exist of a Negro society elevating themselves from tribal barbarism to civilization? One? Anything?

Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards
Reply to  Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
15 October, 2021 9:53 pm

The Zionazi’s own ALL the MSM, 2% of the population controls the entire cultural industry and you’re worried about Sharia Law subplanting the Constitution?

Are you stupid?

mr fixit
mr fixit
7 January, 2021 3:27 pm

This is simply not true. Harlem has been overrun by white Jew landlords, and they have completely regentrified the entire area with White christians, catholics and others. The blacks have been evicted from half of Brooklyn by Jew landlords. They do NOT like minorities for the most part, unless those minorities have some class and respect for life.

Reply to  mr fixit
15 October, 2021 10:08 pm

Benjamin Franklin pressed for the prohibition of Jewish immigration and the deportation of Jews. He didn’t hate Jews. He simply saw what Jewry does to a nation if they are allowed to immigrate and settle.
Most nations and states of Europe had expelled all Jews. England is the earliest known, in 1290.
The Khazar Empire had collapsed in the late 10th century due to attacks from the Rus of the north and the Arabs/Muslims from the south. The Khazar Jews were displaced into eastern Europe, where the peoples of those countries looked upon the Jews as a swarm of locusts.

mr fixit
mr fixit
7 January, 2021 3:36 pm

The absolute truth about NYC, is that 90% of the Jews Catholics and Christians (plus a few rich Asians who follow the Jews around) they all live OUTSIDE NYC. Hillary Clinton herself lives 90 minutes (!) from Manhattan. They don’t want to be anywhere near minorities, they just commute over an hour just to show up at the office and then run back to their safe White oasis. They dont care about black people , or the dump NYC is, because they dont actually live there, they just work for a few hours a day there. This is changing as more people work from home or nearby, there are even LESS whites in Manhattan, this has forced many other whites to flee to GOP states or also move farther away… Read more »