Classic EssaysKevin Alfred StromRevilo P. Oliver

A Tribute to Dr. Revilo P. Oliver

rpo_portrait_by Kevin Alfred Strom (1994)

ON AUGUST 10, 1994, for the first time in my life, I suddenly found myself living in a universe which did not contain Revilo Pendleton Oliver.

As a child, I often wondered what it would have been like to know Poe or Jefferson. We who have had the rare honor of knowing Dr. Oliver (pictured) now know what it is like to know genius and to know greatness.

Our children are our replacements, just as we were for our parents. The unbroken chain of life springing from life goes backwards through the eons to its mysterious beginning, and forward toward the unknowable but inevitable future. We are all links in this possibly infinite chain of existence, but some of us are more conscious of that fact than others. If our race’s future lies, as I believe it does, in the stars rather than in the nothingness of extinction, then Revilo Oliver’s consciousness was a consciousness of the future, an example of the intellectual and spiritual greatness of which European man is capable.

Dr. Oliver shunned sentimental illusions and was often pessimistic about the future of our race. But his existence on this planet is, to me, evidence that our future path is upward to understanding and mastery of the universe, and not downward through a mongrelized squalor to the primordial slime where, if there is hope beyond hope, Nature might try again to succeed where we failed.

Lately, every day, many times per day, I am reminded of Dr. Oliver. There is the car in which we rode together, in my driveway. There is the photograph we took when we introduced him to his namesake, my son. There are tapes of his speeches which he entrusted to me. There is the priceless file of his letters to me, which he took the time and precious energy to write. There, at the end of my arm, is the hand he clasped so strongly and warmly just a few months ago.

Dr. Oliver was not afraid, and we of European descent should not be afraid to use the term Aryan. Today we are told that it is merely a linguistic term with no racial connotations. The originators of the term, the founders of the ancient civilization of India, the racially European conquerors of that subcontinent, would not have agreed. In their language it meant noble, and they used it in a specifically racial sense, drawing a distinction between their race of nobles, of Aryans, and the races of the conquered. I suggest that it be used in a racial-elitist sense. I do not think we should be debarred from using it to describe those branches of our race who do not speak an Indo-European language. But it should not be applied indiscriminately to every White person, however. In my opinion, its use should be limited to describe those of our race who truly deserve to be called noble — those who by their appearance, their actions, their character, their intellect, and their consciousness of their mission to bring forth a higher type of humankind on this planet, most deserve to be the progenitors of future generations of our race. By such a standard, Revilo Oliver was an Aryan among Aryans. The Shah of Iran had a title which he did not deserve, and which Revilo Oliver did deserve: Light of the Aryans.

Often have I been filled with regret when death has come to someone I have loved. That regret is that there were still things left unsaid, things that needed to be said before the end, but which were not said. That is not the case between me and Revilo Oliver. I was able to tell him how much I loved him, how much he had affected my life, how much he had inspired me and thousands like me, and how, as long as I drew breath, the Cause for which he lived would continue. I promised him that his written works and his works of the spoken word would live in the hearts and minds of more and more men and women of our race, and that his contribution would never be forgotten.

Revilo Oliver had no biological children. We, who had the rare privilege of knowing him and learning from him, and who now must carry on in a universe suddenly without him, are his spiritual children. We must strive to reverence Truth as he did.

* * *

Source: National Alliance

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Michael R
Michael R
12 April, 2015 12:55 am

As a 26-year-old racially aware White person, I vow to use the Internet to spread the truth all I can. In the paraphrased words of Dr. Oliver, if we go under, if we are remembered at all, it will be with scorn and derision by the inferior swine still on this earth, who will use as trinkets all of our irresistible technology. They will have been the architects of our destruction.

12 April, 2015 11:38 am

“I promised him that his written works and his works of the spoken word would live in the hearts and minds of more and more men and women of our race, and that his contribution would never be forgotten.”


Your efforts are very much appreciated by me and others who otherwise would have not heard of Prof. Oliver nor had access to his very informative, enlightening and educational work.


22 June, 2023 1:46 am

Revilo P. Oliver your legacy will never die and you’re message of hope too our cause and racialist movement will never die either, we are proud followers of you even the younger generation including myself who is 33 years of age now and devout follower of National-Socialism and National Alliance!!!! Thank you William Luther Pierce, Kevin Alfred Strom, and William White Williams for keeping this man legacy alive and throbbing heil too our victory…

23 June, 2023 12:59 pm

I have just come across this post. Excellent words Mr. Strom; a beautiful and fitting tribute to Dr. Revilo Oliver. Among the many things I am grateful to my father, perhaps the most important was his encouragement to learn English. The command of a language opens a door to a new dimension, to a parallel universe with its own laws. Had I not studied English I would have never got to know the works of Dr. Revilo Oliver, Dr. William Pierce and many other magnificent men who dedicated their lives to serve our race. Without them my life would have been very poor indeed. The National Alliance is the natural and spiritual heir of Dr. Revilo Oliver and, by far, the best source of information and education for every racially… Read more »