When Asia Asserts Herself
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ASIA, PARTICULARLY CHINA, is bursting at the seams with human beings not of our race. Already they are overflowing onto the Pacific coast of North America, from California to Canada, in a quiet but accelerating invasion — so much so that the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, is now routinely referred to as Hongcouver. And, as Russia is economically prostrated by its Jewish oligarchs and pushed around by U.S.-based neocons and Jewish supremacists, the eastern territories of Russia are being infiltrated by Asians, threatening a serious blow to White geopolitical power and yet another serious reduction in White living space. (And, as we all know, the rest of Europe suffers from an invasion of Middle Easterners and South Asians.)
When it comes to racial interbreeding, Asians have such a huge worldwide numerical advantage that they are in the same position that White Americans were in when faced by the relatively tiny Amerindian populations: the racially conscious majority among them deplore such mixing, and its practitioners are often shunned and marginalized; but they feel they can survive a small amount of it, as they have again and again from the times of the Mongols and before. They even have a saying: Yolk yellow; rest of egg white. Mix both together. Result: yellow.
Asian writer Henry Liu (a pen name) put it well, if a bit theatrically, when he said:
‘We’re doing a pretty good job of infiltrating America and forcing Whites to accept us. Asians ought to continue to have many children. We are already more than half the Earth’s population, and it won’t be long before the 12% White minority have all become Asian or African mixtures since we’ve convinced them that intermarriage is good and normal. Over such a planet we Asians can unfurl our racial flag. …The schools teach White children that Americans should be tolerant and accept infinite immigration.
‘By 2030 immigrants, their White spouses, and other minorities [will] make up 70% of the U.S. population. By popular demand Federal law enforcement agencies go after any and all White people who resist us and put them away in concentration camps. …Other Western nations are forced under U.N. monitoring to accept millions of African, Asian, and Middle Eastern citizens. The planet then becomes a game between Africans and Asians only. Guess who will win that game?
‘White Americans have an average of 1.8 children per couple, and that number is declining. The number of couples is also declining as homosexuality and childlessness become ever more fashionable among Whites. At the same time, I predict 10% of Caucasians will marry non-Whites, while non-White immigrants continue to both come in increasing numbers and have more children per couple.
‘At the present rate, pure Europeans in America will become a rare species within decades. Given our ever-increasing standards of Political Correctness, it does not seem likely that the White separatists will be able to outlaw interracial marriages in time to make a difference. It also seems unlikely that a vogue for having many children will ever return for Whites: the media would oppose it as racist. Adoption of non-White babies is also skyrocketing.
‘It’s only a matter of time before U.S.A. stands for the United States of Asia. Since China’s one-child policy is falling apart and since White people are so eager to adopt babies, we could have a profitable trade of exporting Chinese babies to Western countries. Let’s continue to show them images of tortured orphans so that White couples will continue to adopt Chinese children like there is no tomorrow. I have been asked by other Asians: Are you suggesting that we start baby farms and harvest the babies as trading commodities? Well, we’ve always been good at trade, haven’t we?
‘If the environmentalists complain, we can just accuse them of racism. In place of China’s one-child policy we could have the “export-the-rest” policy. Every now and then we’ll slaughter a kid and show it off to the Western media, so that their churches will bend over backwards to adopt more kids.
‘We may never be able to defeat the West militarily, but we sure as hell can genetically.
‘Today, European man is losing out in numbers and economic prowess to Mongolian man. Even though Mongolians far outnumber Europeans in population, Whites have enthusiastically brought in Mongolian immigrants for assimilation and intermarriage. The one-way traffic of immigration occurs on top of lower birth and fertility rates for Whites. It appears that one day soon Asians can prepare to unfurl their racial flag over a vanquished planet. My critics say: When an Asian and a Caucasian join together, the kid is half Asian and half Caucasian. Neither the Caucasians nor the Asians have won in the match. But my critics are wrong. As the lineage becomes three-fourths-Asian, 7/8-Asian, 15/16-Asian there comes a point when the person is, for all practical purposes, Asian. Asian nations need merely to export a tiny percentage of their burgeoning populations in order to make U.S.A. stand for the United States of Asia.
‘Imagine a 22nd century when California becomes New Khalistan, Kansas becomes New Canton, Wyoming becomes New Wuhan, Louisiana becomes New Lhasa, North Dakota becomes New Dakka, Indiana becomes New India, Pennsylvania becomes New Pusan, and Washington, DC, becomes New Haiphong. Southern parts of the United States might be given to Latin American nations, so that Texas becomes Nuevo Sonora and Florida becomes Nuevo Cuba.
‘We could have White reservations in the hills of Appalachia, and their exotic Christian religion would be showcased in museums. There are already more Muslims than Episcopalians in America, so I suppose that it might become the state religion. Buddhists and Hindus would follow close behind.
‘Overpopulation is often cited as a major problem in China and other Asian countries. Yes, the birthrate has been slightly reduced, but there is another solution which Asians are quietly implementing. Asian countries are exporting their excess populations to America, making more space at home, while America becomes more Asian. Naturally we are happy that Americans are not being informed of this in their media. As Sun Tzu would say: Sow confusion among your enemy and weaken them.
‘American school children are already learning about the aboriginal First Nations — the Mongolians — who rightfully own this continent. They are now learning about the crimes of the European invaders and usurpers, and soon all American school children will learn of the ultimate destiny and purpose behind it all: the new United States of Asia.
‘For those of us with Asian mothers, let us take this day to thank them for bringing us into the world. Let us pray that our holy genes will continue to spread across the planet until the day that the yellow sun will shine upon the Earth and the yellow moon will guide us through the darkness.’
Sobering thoughts for Whites, who ought to be thinking in terms of centuries instead of weekly paychecks or quarterly profit statements. And Asians — thanks to our Jewish- and capitalist-engineered “free trade” policies — now hold huge quantities of U.S. dollars and debt instruments. This means that not only do they have the biomass to swamp us, but they also have the little green slips of paper that we foolishly accept as money these days, so they can now buy whatever they want as they march across our continent — including our businesses, our land itself, our misled daughters, and our politicians who can only be distinguished from prostitutes by the fact that prostitutes don’t wear three-piece suits. (And prostitutes have a higher morality — most of them wouldn’t think of sending young people to die in the desert, for example.)
Hmmm… White reservations in the hills of Appalachia? That’s a great idea. White people do best in mountainous areas where the weather is cooler. But even Native Americans had several reservations. White Mormons would need a reservation in the Great Basin of the Rockies. Whites should probably have reservations in Idaho and Wyoming. Whites could then have control of their laws, their culture, and their destinies, just as the Native Americans. There’s another problem, however. White people make the best farmers. Every country in the world with large amounts of food to export–the US, the Ukraine, Argentina, Australia, etc.–have white farmers. Asians can’t fill the gap. So, white people will have to maintain control of the mountainous areas and control of the Farm Belt. Latinos will take the warmer areas… Read more »