EssaysH. Millard

Raghead Religion Meets Skypilot Genes

There’s a significant genetic difference between Iraqis and Iranians, which may have a huge impact if we go to war with Iran — some of the Iranians are White, and even those who are mixed by our standards possess a substantial European genetic component.

by H. Millard

I FIGURE that there’s a very high probability that the U.S. or Israel will attack Iran. No crystal ball is needed so far. Both the U.S. and Israel have said as much. Both are being guided by arrogant and misguided neocon warmongers. (ILLUSTRATION: Ayatollah Khomeini and Sean Connery)

I also figure that the most likely result will be that Iran will fire a few missiles in retaliation and talk tough and then do nothing.

However, there are other possibilities. Indulge me as I suggest a reason why Iran might do more than I indicated above. I base what follows on a belief that humans are not so shallow as to be primarily driven by economic concerns, as is often claimed in many views of the species. Man is primarily a gene-driven animal. Genes give very basic commands. These commands are then manifested in various ways that may seem complex, when they really aren’t. One of these commands, as I’ve written elsewhere, is a will to comfort. To fulfill their will to comfort, some men may be secondarily driven by a desire for economic gains, but others may be driven by spiritual interests, while still others may have this manifested in other ways.

At this point, and in support of the thesis about some men being driven by spiritual interests, I would ask the reader to consider that the U.S. usually practices “dollar diplomacy.” What this means is that we buy our friends. When we can’t buy someone with our bribes, we usually call them “crazy.” That’s what happened when the Ayatollah Khomeini came to power after booting out our bought friend, the Shah. That’s what appears to be happening now with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who seems to be as little interested in material wealth as was Khomeini. “What a madman! Doesn’t he realize that if he plays ball with us, he can be a rich man? Mad. Mad. Totally zonkers. Certifiably insane.” Well, you get the picture. In truth, he just appears to be more interested in the spiritual than the material. You can’t buy the friendship of such a person. What can you offer when his eyes are on God? This is important to remember when trying to figure out what Ahmadinejad might do when the neocons attack him.

But, while thinking about the spiritual nature of Ahmadinejad and many Iranians, don’t forget their genes. Most Americans probably think that Iranians are Arabs like the Iraqis. They’re not. Many Iranians are Aryans. In fact, Iran means the land of the Aryans. Is this important? Maybe. Maybe not. Please be kind enough to keep indulging me as I write simplistic things in order to flesh out these thoughts about what might happen when Iran is attacked.

What is an Aryan? One definition is that it is simply a non-Jewish White person. Most readers of this column are probably Aryans even if they don’t know it and have internalized the anti-White propaganda that there’s no such thing as an Aryan. No such thing? You mean there are no non-Jewish White people? Sorry, White-haters, the word does have validity when defined this way. Now, what do we know about Aryans? Well, history shows us that enough of them have such an aptitude and love for machines that we can probably assume this is a genetic trait. Aryans, generally speaking, like to invent machines, like to tinker with machines, like to constantly improve machines, like to make them more efficient. They especially seem to like machines that can go fast and which carry them on land, in the water, under the water, in the air, and to outer space. They also like other kinds of machines and technology; especially things that go rat-a-tat-tat or boom. And, it’s not just Aryans with scientific or engineering backgrounds who like machines and have an aptitude for them. Check out NASCAR. There’s a reason why most of those involved in automobile racing are White, and it’s not because other races are excluded.

Okay, now take another leap and ask yourself what might have happened if instead of having wishy-washy, turn-the-other-cheek Christianity as their religion, the German Aryans in World War II had been Muslims, as are the Iranian Aryans. Would they have fought the war differently? Would they have coupled their love of efficiency and machinery with a faith that was so strong that they would have sent thousands of their people with very efficient bombs strapped to their bodies to blow up their enemies — as Muslims now do? Would they have believed that what they were doing was what God really wanted them to do, as do many Muslims today?

Now to the larger point of this column. Would the Second World War have gone differently had the Germans been Muslims, and, if so, is there a lesson in this about Iran today?

Here’s a quick comparison of Iran and Germany using current figures from the CIA World Factbook. Iran has 69 million people. Germany has 82 million people. Iran has 1,648,000 square kilometers and is slightly larger than Alaska. Germany has 357,000 square kilometers and is slightly smaller than Montana.

In World War II, tiny little Germany — smaller than Montana, remember — gave us and Russia and many other very large nations a real run for the money. And, they did that without the religious zeal that we can expect from the Iranians, but with genes that are similar to the Iranians. How would we have fared against Germans had they been wearing rags on their heads? Well, consider how bogged down we are in Muslim Arabian Iraq right now as a clue about the type of situation we might have faced in a Muslim Aryan Germany — and which we might still face in Muslim Aryan Iran.

Again, it seems more likely than not that the neocons will have us attack Iran. The neocons want it and they’re calling the shots in Washington right now.

Forget the rightness or wrongness of attacking Iran for a moment and consider that, from a purely intellectual standpoint, it might be interesting to see because of the mixture of Aryan genes and Arab religion.

What will really happen when the neocons have us attack? We’ll just have to wait and see. Thus spake Zarathustra.

(© 2010 H. Millard)

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“Millard is an original. His books aren’t like your typical fiction. If you don’t know where to put his books, try the same shelf with Kerouac, Kafka, Sartre and Nietzsche…”

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion messages of ennui and meaning in post-American America by H. Millard In Ourselves Alone and Homeless Jack’s Religion, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. The commentaries deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics; all in Millard’s edgy style. They lead up to Homeless Jack’s Religion, in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. Click here to buy. ISBN: 0-595-32646-3
Roaming the Wastelands ROAMING THE WASTELANDS– (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9)H. Millard’s latest sacred cow toppling book, is now available at by clicking on this link or by calling 1-877-823-9235. “A fun–and sobering–thing to read” – Alamance Independent
The Outsider THE OUTSIDER – (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9) H. Millard’s underground classic story of alienation is available at by clicking on the this link or by calling 1-877-823-9235.
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27 December, 2010 5:57 am

Interesting that you post a picture of Sean Connery. His ancestory is not ethnicaly Scotish as many think! He is of Irish gypsy decent, thought to originate originally from India! His mother also has a colorful background which eludes me as I post this quick note.

Reply to  Ray
5 November, 2020 12:35 pm

According to IMDb – this father, Joseph Connery, was half Scottish, and half Irish.
His mother, Euphemia, was of Scottish ancestry.
As I type this, it has been one week since death of Sean Connery, on 31 October, 2020, following a long illness.
He was ninety years old.

12 March, 2012 8:57 am

Please check your size comparisons for Iran and Germany! Correct square miles for Iran = 636,296. Correct square miles for Germany = 137,847. If you are going to try make a point please use correct facts. Stuff like this makes me stop reading this site.

Reply to  Alex
13 March, 2012 4:05 pm

I’ve corrected the relative sizes with the square kilometer figures given by the CIA Factbook. It looks like the author misplaced a decimal point — but his essential point is still valid.

Mighty Mede
Mighty Mede
25 July, 2018 11:55 am

If you consider this political movement to be based on race and not what Hebraic/Hither Asiatic religion the country has chosen to take up whether it is Islam or Christianity- both in theory and in practice one should include the Indo-European peoples of the respectable nation of Persia as well. For all practical purposes Iranians are pure blooded Aryans. Just because many of them don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes-so don’t many of our brother in Latin Europe and the Balkans. It’s important to note by the way that in the rural areas of the country and much of the Caucasus (which until recent history was part of Iranian soil) -which according to national socialist doctrine is the origin point of all Aryans, has many fair Nordic looking types.… Read more »

Mighty mede
Mighty mede
30 July, 2018 2:10 pm

Any responses on my article mr. strom?