Immigration: Not About Race?
Don’t believe those who have usurped conservatism and the Tea Party movement when they tell you “it’s not about race.”
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHILE I WAS in a restaurant the other day with a few friends and their children, I saw another group enter the establishment and take a table nearby. It was a handsome-looking White family, a father and mother with a teenage son and daughter. I was close enough to hear parts of their conversation.
The father was almost a double for a writer I know personally, a rugged-looking brunet of medium height with piercing eyes and ruddy complexion, about 50, with a tall, fine-haired slender blonde wife perhaps ten or twelve years younger. The children were well-behaved, good-looking, and intermediate in appearance to their parents, to whom they bore an obvious family resemblance. They weren’t speaking English.
Where were they from? I wondered. Listening a little more closely, I realized they were speaking Spanish. As we left the restaurant, one of the young children in my party decided to try her schoolgirl Spanish on the lady of the family at the other table. The wife was delighted to be greeted in her native tongue and spoke a bit in Spanish with the little girl in our group, then switched to flawless and almost unaccented English to talk to the rest of us. Her husband was a mechanical engineer working on a project in this country, and she was an accomplished pianist and music instructor. Both spoke three languages, French being the third.

I eventually asked where they hailed from. The answer was Mexico, where they were born and where they had lived almost all their lives. They were Mexicans. They were Mexicans of entirely European descent. They were Hispanics. And in those facts there are two lessons. (ILLUSTRATIONS, above and right: Mexican girls of European descent.)
The first lesson is that using the term “Hispanic” for the Mestizos who are crossing our southern marches is inappropriate. The term Hispanic, strictly speaking, should be used only to refer to people of Iberian descent — like this family. As it is it misused today, the word “Hispanic” is racially ambiguous. It can refer to a Spanish-speaking Black — or a totally European person from Spain or from the substantial Spanish-speaking White populations of Latin America. We should prefer racial terms when we’re talking about race. That’s why we should, like Latin Americans themselves, say “Mestizo” when referring to those of mixed European and Amerindian descent, and “Amerindian” or, better yet, a proper tribal or national name when referring to Amerindians. (Often, except when it causes misunderstandings, it’s good to call people what they call themselves. It might be a good thing if the Nation of Aztlan nationalists forged a new name for their people, replacing the broad-brush words “Hispanic” or “Mexican” that have almost no biological meaning. “American,” by the way, is rapidly becoming meaningless too.) Race is what matters. And that brings us to the second lesson illustrated by my restaurant encounter.

The accomplished and cultured White family from Mexico I met is no more likely than I am to join MS-13 or chop someone’s head off with a machete. This family is not a threat to our culture — in fact, it would not surprise me if they were more imbued with Western culture than 95 per cent. of Americans and Europeans. And this family, most important of all, is not a threat to our gene pool. They are as European as any of us, they are indistinguishable from us, and their offspring could intermarry with ours and our future generations would continue as ever, their destiny undimmed. And all of this would remain true no matter what papers they had or didn’t have in their wallets. It would remain true even if these engineers and piano virtuosi came here illegally. What really matters isn’t laws or papers or even geography. It’s race. It’s genes. And we can never have sane laws or sane immigration policies until we understand that fact.

The anti-immigration “conservatives” on Fox News are always screaming about how they’re “not racists” and how “it’s not about race, it’s about obeying the law.” Well, if it’s about “the law,” what are they going to say when Congress simply legalizes every illegal immigrant? They won’t be able to say a thing. The conservatives are simply wrong. In fact, they’re more than wrong — they’re lying. It is about race.
* * *
Based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 5, 2005
This article is illustrative of the folly of thinking in exclusively racial and supremacist terms. It’s not about race, it’s about tribe. Being White is a necessary but insufficient condition of being a member of the White American ethnonational identity. As we left the restaurant, one of the young children in my party decided to try her schoolgirl Spanish on the lady of the family at the other table. The wife was delighted to be greeted in her native tongue and spoke a bit in Spanish with the little girl in our group, then switched to flawless and almost unaccented English to talk to the rest of us. Of course she was delighted. Who’s not delighted to see their cultural imperialism in full effect? It might be a good thing… Read more »
Matt Parrott said: I bet he’s more likely than you are to be an immigration lawyer, or to chain migrate a non-White extended family. He thinks “us” when he sees a Mestizo and “them” when he see you, which is the bottom line. He may be White in form, but not in function. I know more than a few of these “White Hispanics” and I’ve only known of one my entire life (Chechar, a blogger) who doesn’t tribally identify in opposition to me. Your experience is different than mine. I’ve had an opportunity to work closely with a number of White Latin Americans, some of them at Radio Marti, and in my conversations with them I found them on the whole more racially conscious than the average White American —… Read more »
I am a naturalized US Citizen , native of Argentina , did you know that Argentina is one of the “whitest” countries in the world ( 97% white European as per CIA “Book of Facts” ) . Any white American or European will feel “at home ” walking down the streets of Buenos Aires , all the faces are familiar faces .There are no african Blacks in Argentina ( you hardly see a black person , and if you do chances are is a tourist ) , in fact I first met face to face with an african black when arrived to the US ,at JFK International Airport in New York City , I was 20 Years Old .
I hope that I will live to see the day when we can live in a White Homeland in North America that would place, for example, it’s international relations with Argentina firmly over rival nations like Israel, China, India, or Saudia Arabia… or perhaps to send it’s military to South Africa to help the Afrikaners. Unfortunately, Argentinians or Afrikaners are the furthest thing from the minds of our misleaders.
Argentine is not near 97% european, what a joke
I found them on the whole more racially conscious than the average White American — at least they were more willing to speak up and say so. You’d have been amazed at the things they said about race — and Jewish power — right there in the Voice of America building in downtown Washington, DC. I believe you’re confusing a shared understanding of facts with a shared agenda. If you’re really proud of being White, and want to get maximum mileage out of it, then you lord it over non-Whites all day, condescending to them. Why be around a bunch of people who are as fair and fancy as yourself when you can be the fairest and fanciest of them all? This is why supremacism is so insidious, because it… Read more »
The same can also be said of white South Africans. They would also integrate well, and in fact huge numbers of them have emigrated to western countries, but especially Australia, New Zealand, the UK and US. Their traditional sports are rugby and cricket, both from Europe. They often have tournaments playing against Australia and New Zealand, which are both former British colonies, just like the US. Aside from being white, their western way of thinking simply is not compatible with the blacks. They also frown on bulls and goats being slaughterd in backyards and they also want to contribute to society and the economy, rather than to live off welfare and sit around being comfortable, but dripping in bling the way blacks do. European countries are now starting to put… Read more »
I agree with this article. I have spent some time living in both Argentina and Chile. I am a native of the U.S. of Danish and Celtic ancestry. I learned Spanish as a second language ( I also speak Russian and Mandarin). After spending two years interacting with Argentinians, Chileans, and Uruguayans of European descent, I came to understand that they not only consider themselves European (which they certainly are) but they are also proud of that fact too. Apparently, in those countries they are not brainwashed into thinking that European civilization is evil. To the contrary, they rightly understand and take for granted that European civilization is superior in nearly every way. They seem to be conscious about their heritage and shun intermarriage with non-Europeans or mestizos to a… Read more »
Greetings everyone, I am a person of Latin American descent..that is..Mediterranean, Iberian roots whose ancestors were Roman Catholics and maybe even Romans in the distant past. I understand all accents of Spanish just as good as I can understand the accents of the Anglosphere. I sympathize with the first two comments. I agree that there are White Mexicans, the resurgence of fairer skinned peoples in Mexico and elsewhere in the Americas was a result thanks in part to the World wars of Europe that drove many Germanic, Slavic, Nordic people and other European races to seek refuge and security in the Americas (North, Central South America)during those times. USA was not the only place Europeans fled to. I have dealt with Mexicans before and they have a world of their… Read more »
“I’ve had an opportunity to work closely with a number of White Latin Americans, some of them at Radio Marti, and in my conversations with them I found them on the whole more racially conscious than the average White American.”
Perhaps that has something to do with a phenomenon I’ve never understood about Mexican cinema. Even though most Mexicans are mestizos, most Mexican actors and actresses are white. Perhaps another reader can shed some light on this topic for me.
It’s official: “Latinos” or “Hispanics” should be reserved for people of pure Iberian descent. Browns from Latin America should be called “Mestizos” or “mongrels”.