
Bristow: Support Tancredo in Colorado

by Kyle Bristow

A THEME of my novel is that one should stand up for the West in any way that one can. Some people are vocal activists and politicians, whereas others work behind the scenes by contributing money.

Tom Tancredo — who I’d call a warrior of the West — is running for governor of Colorado on the Constitution Party ticket. Polls show that the Republican candidate does not have a shot in Niflheim of winning, so the election is really between Tancredo and leftist John Hickenlooper, who, as the mayor of Denver, turned the city into a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens.

Election experts say that Tancredo and Hickenlooper are virtually tied. To win a victory for our civilization, Tancredo is asking for money to fund his campaign between now and election day. [Please click here to be taken to his website.]

Tancredo says, “As governor, I will stop illegal immigration cold.”

Read the original article at Kyle Bristow’s site

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