Kevin Alfred StromNewsReports

Mapping the Racial Landscape

INSPIRED BY Bill Rankin’s map of Chicago’s racial and ethnic divides, Eric Fisher has drawn similar maps of other cities with data obtained from the 2000 Census. More cities are charted here. Each dot represents 25 people with white people represented by a red dot, black people by a blue dot, Asians by green, and Hispanics by orange.

It looks like Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco were some of the most diverse cities, but racial and ethnic minorities did cluster around the same neighborhoods, especially in Los Angeles and New York. The Los Angeles map also interestingly reveals that Hispanics live in the lowest income neighborhoods.

What does this macro-structural study of residential patterns tell us? Minorities are still substantially segregated in metropolitan cities. Census 2000 data shows that black-white segregation declined modestly on a national level while Hispanic and Asian segregation rose in most metropolitan areas.

These racially segregated archipelagos pose a major problem for immigrant integration into mainstream society, if that is indeed the desired result. But maybe this is not as gloomy as it looks. Immigrants clustering around their own communities can provide children and adults alike a sense of belonging and necessary empowerment to succeed in a new country….

It would be nice to compare this mapping with more recent data from the Census in 2010. More than 55 years after ending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and even with a black President and black Attorney General, are we still going to be display vast amount of residential segregation?

[ is staring the facts in the face and comes close, very close, to drawing the inescapable conclusion: Racial separation is a natural, biological phenomenon. It asserts itself to an amazing degree when one considers the vast amount of propaganda and resources devoted to eliminating it. In fact, without the natural tendency to racial separation, evolution itself would be impossible. We can never successfully fight it — and we should not try. — Kevin Alfred Strom.]

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Map data reveals natural self-segregation

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