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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE MOST basic fact of existence is the uncertainty principle. A quantity of energy, multiplied by a quantity of time, must be greater than Planck’s reduced constant (a very small number) in order to engage with causation. As a result of that fact, the vacuum state isn’t entirely…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THINGS come into existence in accordance with probability distributions. The observable phenomenon called the Casimir Effect is an example. If you hang two conductive (e.g. aluminum, copper) plates in parallel and near to each other, they will prevent the random appearance of fluctuations…
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Mileva Marić was a gifted physicist in her own right and deeply influenced Einstein’s scientific views and insights. ALBERT EINSTEIN is remembered as one of modernity’s (and Judaism’s) great geniuses. But, according to a recent article from Scientific American, many of Einstein’s most…
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A TINY, UNSEEN force could potentially alter our basic understanding of the universe — if it really exists. Theoretical physicists at UC Irvine say they’ve found evidence for a fifth fundamental force of nature, carried by a particle that until now has gone totally unnoticed. If supported…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims OUR UNIVERSE is one of many. Indeed, there’s probably an infinity of universes, each of which (or most of which) are completely isolated from all of the others. I can’t prove that that’s so. But it seems, to me, to be the explanation that is most likely, arising naturally…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 21, 2016 presented by Kevin Alfred Strom ON TODAY’S program, I will be presenting a significant work by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the founder of the National Alliance, that has not…
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Physicists who shocked the scientific world by reporting measurements showing particles could move faster than the speed of light have admitted it was a mistake due to a faulty wire connection. EDITOR’S NOTE: Our science article from the Telegraph yesterday, while interesting and while it…
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UPDATED: Scientists Did Not “Break the Speed of Light” Two possible explanations are that 1) neutrinos may fall under the general rubric of the very small obeying a different set of rules than the rest of reality because of the granular nature of spacetime at ultra-small dimensions;
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Classic Essays

Jews have little or no loyalty to the countries of their birth or their host peoples — and often give all their considerable energies to destroying them, as these two examples show. AT THE climacteric of the Korean War, when Red Chinese “volunteers” were over-running American positions…
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The renowned physicist’s own Jewish colleagues and students eventually plotted his kidnapping, destruction, and murder. WERNER HEISENBERG (pictured) was only twelve years old at the outbreak of the Great War, but he always remembered the feelings of patriotism and ‘selfless exhilaration’ that…
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