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David SimsEssays

by David Sims AN “OBJECTIVIST,” that is, a follower of the Jewess “Ayn Rand”’s extreme libertarian philosophy, once tried to explain away the deep flaws of capitalism as mere personal corruption and adherence to “bad philosophy”: As Ayn Rand would say, the…
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Classic EssaysVideoWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE SALIENT FEATURE of the 20th century was the collective suicide of the White race. In 1900 we ruled the world. We ruled politically, militarily, culturally, economically, scientifically, and in every other way. No other race even came close. We ruled India and Africa directly,…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver THE FIRST QUARTER of the new year has been a gloomy season for the Roman Catholics who hope to preserve something of the religion with which they are imbued in their youth. In New York, Bantam published (in both cloth-bound and paperback editions) David Yallop’s In God’s
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims SOMETIMES, people who learn a lesson about one thing don’t realize that it can remain valid when it is generalized. Stefan Molyneux, looking over history, infers that Marxist socialism can’t work because it has been repeatedly tried and has never reached a viable long-term…
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Classic Essays

The following is an excerpt of an SS book on racial policy. Der Reichsführer SS, Rassenpolitik (Berlin, c. 1943); translation by R. Bytwerk and Grey Eminence; “The Enemies of the National-Socialist Worldview and their Doctrine of the Equality of Humanity” The Churches THE Christian…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE GENETIC cause for the Marxist views of so many Blacks is a generally lower IQ among Blacks as compared with Whites. The difference in the racial average IQ between US-resident Blacks (who are on average 20%-White mulattoes) and US-resident Whites is about 15 points. Whites average…
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— Relevant/Suggested Read: “The White Race as Global Proletariat” AIMÉE TERESE is an Australian Marxist who was banned from Twitter for her highly entertaining posts savaging “woke” liberalism as nothing more than a fake protest movement led by useful idiots…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THERE IS no such thing as a woman who was born male. There are really no transgender people. There are only mentally disturbed people who have a disorder called gender dysphoria. And, lately, teenagers who don’t actually have gender dysphoria are pretending that they are transgender…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver THE FIRST QUARTER of the new year has been a gloomy season for the Roman Catholics who hope to preserve something of the religion with which they are imbued in their youth. In New York, Bantam published (in both cloth-bound and paperback editions) David Yallop’s In God’s
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims “I’m not sure what the long-term effect is of everyone playing games where meritocracy is actually a system that works.” Matt Lees, a London-based gaming journalist (and Marxist propagandist). MERITOCRACY is a characteristic of any economic system that works,…
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