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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

Indo-European migrations led to present-day linguistic and other influences. by Revilo P. Oliver AS EVERYONE knows, the Japanese are a Mongoloid (Mongolian) nation who differ markedly from others of that race in culture and mentality, and, to some extent, even physically. In The Yellow Peril, I…
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by Martin Kerr Introduction WHAT IS IT ABOUT Adolf Hitler that continues to fascinate the world? Why do people, especially those of European descent, find him so endlessly intriguing? It is not just his followers and sympathizers who find him captivating: even his enemies and those who are conflicted…
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As Cosmotheists, we still honor the traditions of our ancient ancestors, and gain insight from their view of the divine. by Survive the Jive WHERE SHOULD you conduct prayers and rituals? What can you sacrifice at a blót and what libations can be poured? What should you say in a prayer and which god do you…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

By Dr. William Luther Pierce Migrating Germans, Invading Huns, Expanding Slavs Destroyed Roman Order; Hun Horde Routed Goths, Burst into Central Europe Attila Yields to Gothic Valor; Germans Drive Asiatics from Europe THE GOTHIC NATION, as was mentioned in the previous installment, had established…
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WHEN IT COMES to the origin of Western fairy tales, the 19th century Brothers Grimm get a lot of the credit. Few scholars believe the Grimms were actually responsible for creating the tales, but academics probably didn’t realize how old many of these stories really are. A new study, which treats these…
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WHILE THE religion of the Proto-Indo-Europeans aka Aryans is associated with horse-drawn chariots, the Norse pagan religions of the bronze age, Vendel, and Viking era were associated with boats. This might be because the Nordic boat cult predates the arrival of the Indo-European culture in Northern…
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THE MIGHTY DEAD: Why Homer Matters is an example of that non-fiction genre so reviled by the anti-White establishment: books that celebrate the European past and the rich and world-transforming culture that emerged from it. Foundational to this culture are the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey
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by Sam Francis BY LOOKING AT the deep racial-cultural history of whites since ancient times, we discover more profoundly who we are, where we come from, and where we may be going. We may also learn how to control those traits that are now contributing to our destruction and to make use of them and other,…
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Classic Essays

by Mark Deavin IN JULY 1996 two students wading in the Columbia River at Kennewick, Washington, stumbled across the skeletal remains of a middle-aged European male. At first anthropologists presumed they had discovered a pioneer who had died in the late 1800’s. But radiocarbon dating subsequently…
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Classic Essays

Celtic folkways and the clash with Romans and Germans by Nick Griffin IN THE previous issue we looked at the origins and prehistory of the Celts. We traced their spread westward over Europe and their growing influence on their neighbors, up until the time of their first clashes with the Romans. (ILLUSTRATION:…
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