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Ian Smith


UNAVOIDABLY, a shifty-eyed hag grasping 12 pieces of silver as she passes her Rhodesian child to a pimp comes to mind when I write about Britain’s betrayal of Rhodesia. Ironically, it is the daughter whose quality of character was once attributed to her deceitful stepmother. By 1977, the world had largely…
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by Michael Walsh I CONCEDE that hindsight and experience are the best teachers of all. An integral and loyal member of the British Empire, Rhodesia’s contribution to her mother country during the Boer War, the Great War, and World War II was remarkable. Yet today Rhodesia, since renamed Zimbabwe, symbolises…
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by Michael Walsh EUROPE’S decolonisation of Africa is generally accepted as the price paid for transfer of power from White to Black rule. Not true: The concept of “African independence” was a massive deception on a par with that of the so-called “Russian Revolution,”…
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