EssaysHadding Scott

An Alternative to Negro Slavery

by Hadding Scott

NEGROES SOMETIMES claim great importance for their race in the development of American economic power through their role as slaves picking cotton. Roland Martin, interviewing Richard Spencer in the aftermath of his recent “Hail Trump” speech, said precisely that “free labor from Black people” was what made America great.

I do not wish to insult or provoke any Negroes, but this is really quite a poor argument.

How should one respond?

Richard Spencer’s response was: “We could have found another way to pick cotton.” But he gives no specifics.

Some say: “If I’d known that there was going to be all this trouble I would have picked my own damned cotton.”

Others offer a different solution:

“In fact I think you could teach some chimpanzees to do some things that some Negroes couldn’t do.”

This turns out to be entirely correct. In Thailand, apes are trained to pick coconuts, and to perform some other simple tasks such as Negro slaves once performed in America, and still perform in Africa, where slavery is still practiced.

How much trouble could have been avoided!

The apes in this video are not even chimpanzees but macaques, a less intelligent primate.

* * *

Source: National-Socialist Worldview

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Jeff Wilson
Jeff Wilson
27 September, 2020 5:40 pm

I don’t believe that hate or racism is the reason that Blacks were used as slaves throughout the world. I believe that it was an economic decision, made at a time when slavery was considered normal and acceptable. And if Black slaves are what made America great, then you would think that the area that had the Black slaves, the south, would have won the civil war. But no, it was the area that did NOT have the slaves, the north, that won.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Jeff Wilson
27 September, 2020 9:52 pm

Importation of Negros to do basic labor
seemed like a good idea at the time. They
were indigenous to the Tropics, and seemed
suitable for our sub-tropical climate here in
what was once the Confederate States of
America. Once domesticated and trained
for specific tasks, the system worked well
at first. However, invention of the cotton
gin and technical innovations in agriculture
made the Negroes archaic at best – and
created the problems we have with them
today. Solving the Negro problem is going
to be a real challenge.