
Today in History: Rome Defeats the Jews in the Year 70

Roman bas-relief of the victory march of Titus, displaying items captured from the Jewish rebels he defeated
Roman bas-relief of the victory march of Titus, displaying items captured from the Jewish rebels he defeated

“On this day in 70 C.E., rebel forces in the city were vanquished. The conquest of Jerusalem was the climax of the Great Revolt, which began four years earlier with a number of attacks by Jewish rebels in the Land of Israel against Roman authorities.”

EDITORS’ NOTE: What you are reading here is the nucleus around which so many geo-political events of today revolve: Rome’s destruction of Judea and the Jewish attempt to re-write history and make the aggressors pay for their crime of harming the “apple of Yahweh’s eye,” the Jews.

Much as they are today, the Jews then were behaving badly: Stealing from and waging war on everyone around them, so much so that the Roman Empire had to deal with them sternly — which they did. This is the mentality of the Jews — never any self-examination of their historical bad behavior which led to Rome’s actions. All they can see is just evil Whites (the Romans, in this case) always attacking virtuous Jews for no reason except “hatred of Jews.” To the Jews, we, the people of Europe and North America — in short, White civilization — are the descendants of the Roman Empire, and we have to pay for what Titus did to them almost 2,000 years ago.

This is one reason most Jews hate Trump so much — a blond man who resembles in some ways a Roman emperor, a leader who does not want to support the Jews’ desired wars with Russia and Syria, and who denounces many of their agents and main points of their agenda.

From the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:

ON THIS DAY in 70 C.E., the Roman siege of Jerusalem ended as rebel forces in the city were vanquished. The siege and conquest of Jerusalem was the climax of the Great Revolt, which began four years earlier with a number of attacks by Jewish rebels in the Land of Israel against Roman authorities. After Syrian-based legionnaires failed to put down the unrest, responsibility for quelling the rebellion fell to the Roman general Vespasian, accompanied by his son Titus. They slowly made their way south from the Galilee beginning in 67 C.E., conquering town after town. When Vespasian returned to Rome to become emperor in 69 C.E., Titus took over the leadership of the counter-offensive.

Titus began his assault on Jerusalem in March of 70 C.E. with the help of four Roman legions who trapped between 600,000 (according to Tacitus) and 1 million people (the estimate of Josephus) in the city. The residents’ situation was significantly worsened by the fact that the Jewish extremist group, the Sicarii, burned the Jewish population’s stocks of food as part of a strategy meant to force them to fight the Romans rather than negotiate surrender.

Following the destruction of the Third Wall and the Antonia Fortress, the Romans set themselves to conquering the Temple. Titus supposedly intended to leave the grand structure — just built in the preceding century by Herod the Great — intact to turn it into a temple to Jupiter, but a Roman soldier threw a torch into it and burned it to the ground famously on the 9th of Av. By this point in late August of 70 C.E., many Jews fled the city and others moved to the upper city to make a final stand. The upper city fell on September 7 (although some sources say it happened September 26).

According to Josephus, the former Jewish general who defected to the Romans and became the great historian of the “Jewish Wars,” Titus killed most of the residents of the city, and ordered the razing of all but its tallest structures. Titus went on to succeed his father as emperor when Vespasian died in 79 C.E. His conquest of Jerusalem is commemorated by and dramatically depicted in the Arch of Titus, which tourists can visit today in Rome. (On another historical note, Titus also reportedly had a love affair with the Jewish Queen Berenice, daughter of Herod Agrippa I, who joined him in Rome during Vespasian’s rule.)

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Source: The Ugly Truth

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1 December, 2016 5:42 pm

In Cyprus, their victims were estimated at 240,000. In this island, the Jew Artemion, addressed the murders. Understandably, the Jews were no longer welcome in Cyprus after this. The Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117 D.C.) sent troops to stop the massacre. It took a year to Rome check the thirst for the blood of the Jews. Gave Cassius tells us how the Jews even ate their victims and are put on the face and body with his blood. (William Douglas Morrison, “The Jews under the Roman government” London and New York, 1890, p. 191-193.) The most brutal murders were committed in Egypt. Gave Cassius describes how the Jews even attacked the ships in which terrified people trying to escape. (Dr. Emil Schurer, “Geschichte des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu… Read more »

6 June, 2017 5:38 pm

You are a vile antisemite. That book is a Nazi text. You will rote in Hell.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Bela
6 June, 2017 9:33 pm

Like an archetypal Jew, Bela shrieks, insults, lies, and curses. There is no “Nazi text” referenced in the article or in the comment above, which refers to two books, both of which were published in 1890 and both of which are probably mainstream historical works. In his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon said much the same thing as Morrison and Schürer about the terrible massacres committed by the Jews. Referencing Cassius Dio, Gibbon wrote: “In Cyrene, they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawn asunder, according to a precedent to which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted… Read more »