
The Church of Star Trek

star_trek_TOS_cast_cropby Alexander Noble

I WAS LISTENING to a podcast from another White nationalist group recently and the host said something I was forced to reluctantly agree with: “White people try to turn everything into a religion.” Personally, I would add “As long as it’s trivial.”

I don’t know about other parts of the country — though I would suspect that it’s much the same — but in the small town Southwest, especially in rural Texas, high school football is the de facto state religion. I’ve often been amazed and disgusted at the sight of grown men, often middle-aged or older, who are so excited about an acne-scarred teenage player with a single-digit IQ that they’re on the verge of wetting themselves. Should you be foolish enough to criticize the team or the absurd obsession with the irrelevant you won’t be a pariah: You’ll slink about dreaming of achieving the social status of a pariah. The team, and the coach, are not to be blasphemed. Blasphemy is swiftly punished, and brutally.

The education of children is just a convenient excuse for the existence of publicly funded schools, and everybody knows it. The real purpose is to provide free child care and cheap sports entertainment, all paid for by someone else. Take those things away, or start charging the parents for them, and the herd would be rioting in the streets for the abolition of compulsory education, or at least demand that the kids actually learn something other than Narrative doctrine.

If you don’t believe me, take an example from my home town. Some years ago a budget crisis made it necessary to make cuts to the public schools. A suggested small cut shared equally by all departments created outrage when it was realized that it would also affect the sports program. This was deemed unacceptable, so an alternate proposal was made: Eliminate the least popular sports program, which was swimming, and temporarily close the natatorium — which would eliminate the shortfall by itself. This was also deemed unacceptable. So, in the end, where did the axe fall? It fell exclusively on the advanced program for gifted and talented students, which was entirely eliminated, resulting in the firing of 22 AP teachers. The rationale was that advanced classes were a luxury and gifted students could learn just as well in the slower classes. As is usual in post-sanity America, the best were considered the most expendable.

On the other end of the coolness spectrum lies the world of Star Trek. Like so many others, I grew up almost slavishly devoted to the franchise. Gene Roddenberry and his crew made a respectable amount of money off of me. As I became older, more mature, and hopefully wiser, I drifted further and further to the Right. At some point a profound realization hit me: Star Trek is blatant Leftist propaganda. It isn’t even subtle.

I had always known that it had a few flaws. Being raised in a conservative household, the existence of the UN-like “United Federation of Planets” hundreds of years in the future was a groaner. The fact that it comprised a benevolent multi-planet, multicultural, multi-species government made it even harder to suspend disbelief. Still, it was science fiction, and in those days science fiction was hard to find, so we overlooked it. We even forgave them for the idiotic space hippies episode that even the most dedicated fans don’t want to talk about.

Still, one begins to see the flaws and logical errors in the programs. In the original series, presumably after three centuries of enthusiastic miscegenation, there is a curious absence of mixed-race people.

Not satisfied with interracial relationships, the programs proudly presented us with inter-species relationships — which when you get right down to it was bestiality. Curiously, the unions resulted in viable offspring, despite the impossibility of species that evolved on different planets being able to conceive together. Their DNA, assuming the alien species used DNA for heredity, would be incompatible. The producers later put a Band-Aid on that by revealing that such offspring required high tech intervention.

Back in the real world, as the decades pass it becomes apparent that the Leftist policies of the present day are doomed to fail, and were likely intended to do so. Yet, three centuries hence, and even later in subsequent series, 1960s liberalism not only still exists, it saves the galaxy on a daily basis. Then there’s the Prime Directive, prohibiting the intrepid explorers from influencing alien societies in any way, which was all about Vietnam War guilt. Obeying the Prime Directive was a guaranteed plot-killer and it was constantly broken because otherwise there would be no story.

There was much symbolism, always as subtle as a baseball bat to the head. Star Trek: The Next Generation introduced us to the baddest baddies in the quadrant: the dreaded and evil Borg. The Borg are a curious bunch. They seemed vaguely familiar to me. They have a hive mind and all think the same thoughts in the same way. Forced assimilation of every species they encounter is their obsession as well as absorbing their essence and everything they possess. It is a society of rigid conformity with no discernible culture. Theirs is a bland, drone-like, meaningless existence that would be Hellish, if the Borg were able to conceive of any other life, which they can’t. Most curious of all, when these oppressors of people and suppressors of culture assimilate an unlucky species, their victims turn white. Hmmm, whoever could the Borg represent?

Not too long ago, I chose to post an article about my conclusions regarding Star Trek on a conservative forum that I belong to, a legacy of my pre-White-nationalist days. I had spent many hours crafting and posting many articles that, to me, were devastatingly good and cut to the heart of the problems that we face. I began to wonder if anyone was reading them. At best, I would get one or two comments, and often none. Cue my Star Trek article. The result was a comment thread that went on 24 hours a day for three days, accumulating over 300 comments, almost all of them outraged and some downright hostile. These were my friends, mind you. After three days the moderator terminated the thread as having gotten out of hand.

It was actually that experience which led to me exploring other opportunities and moving further to the right. My critics reminded me of The People’s Front of Judea from the Life of Brian movie. Always planning and plotting and discussing, but rarely doing. I was amazed that they could discuss life and death issues calmly and dispassionately, but a small slight to a trivial television series resulted in them frothing at the mouth with unrestrained passion. If we could tap into even a fraction of the passion that the herd lavishes on professional sports, or even Star Trek, we would be unstoppable. We must bring equal passion to bringing in the wasted passion they possess. It will take finesse to skewer these meaningless sacred cows, but it is a duty we dare not shirk.

* * *

Source: Author

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John Calhoun
John Calhoun
25 February, 2016 6:05 pm

I think it was the sense of adventure more than anything else that drew me to Star Trek. I was never a fanatic for the series but I could understand why someone could be. Great piece!

Connor Galt
Connor Galt
25 February, 2016 9:26 pm

I to grew up with Star Trek but always rooted for the Klingons because their ships looked way cooler and they seem more Viking like. Might I suggest some of the science fiction novels of Robert Heinlein. The type of society portrayed in Starship Troopers is a form of Progressive Fascism. And finally there is 2001;A Space Odyssey, arguably the best science fiction movie ever made. Its iconic theme music(Thus Spoke Zarathustra) was composed by Robert Strauss who at one time was one of Hitler’s favorite composer when he conducted the Berlin philharmonic. The theme is almost Cosmotheist in nature- from sub-human, to human- to blue eyed starchild portrayed at the end of the movie which is the next step in human evolution.

Reply to  Connor Galt
19 June, 2020 5:52 pm

Greetings Connor. It’s Richard Strauss, and yes, as you say, Strauss would have been a cosmotheist. I hope you have heard his Ein Heldenleben, (a Hero’s Life) music.

26 February, 2016 1:17 am

The baseball and football religions can be challenged with ease. I lived and worked in the Canton area of Ohio where football is the state religion. Even there I managed to pull some grown men from this stupidity. I start by challenging some of these out-of-shape beer-drinking weakling to actually playing football games. I would grab a couple of friends like me and we would mop the field with them. Our side was always in shape, and we shamed them into shape — and shamed them into actually doing sports/working out, instead of wasting time in front of the tube or watching kid’s games. The other method was taking them to martial arts classes for adults and/or boxing. MMA is also a good substitute for the masses since it is… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
26 February, 2016 7:59 am

I can relate to the last two paragraphs of Alexander Noble’s article. It often seems that the most important, relevant, and thoughtful posts on internet forums typically receive the least attention and generate the least commentary. It also often strikes me how rarely people ask questions of others on forums in order to learn more. There are a few people on forums who know a lot more on particular subjects than most other people, but others don’t seem to recognize or respect their knowledge, and don’t engage them in intelligent and productive discussion. Ignorance is guarded, knowledge is hoarded, and everyone loses. The disputes on forums recall a remark incorrectly attributed to Henry Kissinger: “Academic politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.” (It’s not clear who… Read more »

Phil Keup
Phil Keup
13 September, 2020 4:03 pm

My biggest objection to Star trek is it being used to promote a worthless space program in the hopes of somehow making reality into fantasy. Pagan Europeans were free to believe in our ancestral gods and goddesses and if they chose to contribute to a temple to pay homage to them and follow the highest ideal within nature so be it. But Star Trek is used as a gimic to sucker politicians into giving money to NASA ( not a space agency) and the UN in the hopes going where no man has gone before and meet Mr Spock or perhaps a Gorn. I heard that the lastest series will be introducing the first “transgender/non binary” main characters I saw pictures of them and the looked like something you would… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
3 May, 2021 5:46 pm

Isn’t it odd that in the Star Trek universe,
almost all of the aliens look like humans
and they all speak English? And how about
those dilithium crystals? What are they?
Well, that’s what makes the ship go! And
those Jewish-like Ferengi and their gold-
laced Latium? Well, I know what gold is.
I know how to “lace” something, but what
about this “Latinum?” It sound impressive
and expensive, but I don’t think I would
want to put it on my debit card!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
4 May, 2021 7:59 am

For anyone looking for a sci-fi universe that DWARFS Star Wreck, Star Shoahs and a few other similar ones put together, give Perry Rhodan a try. Published weekly and continuously since 1961 in pulp ‘brochure’ format, this German series has spawned several spinoffs – such as Atlan – fan fiction beyond count and although Germans aren’t nearly as merchandise-happy as Anglos, there have been a few metal miniatures, action figures, board- and video games and such. It is, of course, very ‘universalist’ and I ‘m not sure how PC peacenik the series has become in the past 30 years or so, but you don’t necessarily learn German to get a glimpse of the older stuff, English language paperbacks can be found fairly easily in used book stores )provided they aren’t… Read more »