
Suicide Rate Rising for White Americans


Death by drinking, drugs, and suicide are increasing among Whites as they lose their country, their culture, and their freedom — and send their children to die in alien-fomented wars

INTRODUCTION by John I. Johnson: Here are two reports, one from Marketwatch (focusing on middle-aged Whites) and the other from the New York Times (on rural Whites of all ages) on the rising despair, drug use, and suicide among Whites today. The illustration above shows some sayings that Monica Morin (a young White) wrote down before she killed herself. It’s interesting that Monica Morin’s written statements on the paper in the photograph are framed in terms of positive thinking. Whites tend to do that. This from a girl experiencing so much psychological and emotional despair that she wound up killing herself.

The second piece on the same phenomenon (but encompassing younger Whites as well as the middle-aged) from the New York Times implies that rural life is the problem, as well as gun ownership (people can commit suicide with guns, you see). Residents need more psychiatric counseling, and to take “mental status examinations” administered by the Establishment.

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WHITE middle-aged Americans are dying at an increasing rate, a new analysis of government data shows, a startling turnaround suggesting a rising toll of addiction and mental-health issues is reversing decades of gains in longevity.

Suicides, alcohol and drug overdoses, and death from chronic liver diseases largely drove the reversal, which occurred between 1999 and 2013, according to the analysis published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The turnaround occurred primarily among men and women between the ages of 45 and 54 with no more than a high-school education, but rates of those causes of death rose for wealthier middle-aged whites as well as whites in other age groups, according to the study.

By contrast, death rates declined for blacks and Hispanics in that age group over the same period, the study found.

No other rich country has experienced a similar turnaround in mortality rates, said the authors, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, who are economics professors at Princeton University. Deaton won the Nobel Prize in economics this year for work that has involved improving the rigor of data on consumption, poverty, health and other measures that underpin public policy.

The findings reveal an under-examined public health crisis and illustrate tragic ways in which many people are responding to physical and mental pain, adversity and changing life situations, the researchers say. The behaviors they have turned to — drinking, drugs and suicide — are so widespread that they have offset declines in other major causes of death in midlife, such as lung cancer, according to the study.

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Small Towns Face Rising Suicide Rates

Rural adolescents commit suicide at roughly twice the rate of their urban peers, according to a study published in the May issue of the journal JAMA Pediatrics. Although imbalances between city and country have long persisted, “we weren’t expecting that the disparities would be increasing over time,” said the study’s lead author, Cynthia Fontanella, a psychologist at Ohio State University. “The rates are higher, and the gap is getting wider.”

Suicide is a threat not just to the young. Rates overall rose 7 percent in metropolitan counties from 2004 to 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In rural counties, the increase was 20 percent.

The sons and daughters of small towns are more likely to serve in the military, and nearly half of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans live in rural communities.

The C.D.C. reported last year that Wyoming has the highest suicide rate in the nation, almost 30 deaths per 100,000 people in 2012, far above the national average of 12.6 per 100,000. Not far behind were Alaska, Montana, New Mexico and Utah, all states where isolation can be common. The village of Hooper Bay, Alaska, recently recorded four suicides in two weeks.

In one telephone survey of 1,000 Wyoming residents, half of those who responded said someone close to them had attempted or died by suicide.

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Source: John I. Johnson; MarketwatchWall Street JournalNew York Times

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Collins KWM-2 Restorer
Collins KWM-2 Restorer
4 November, 2015 12:54 am

People who kill themselves usually kill the wrong person.

My father committed suicide because after a life spent working he was fleeced out of his life savings by a con man, who actually showed up at his funeral.

He owes his life today (and I my freedom, such as it is) to the fact I wasn’t armed that day.

Whites are in the suicidal stage today. The anti-whites will rue the day they go from suicidal to homicidal. I only hope they are smart enough not to do stupid and pointless things like Frazier Glenn Miller and Dylann Roof.

4 November, 2015 1:05 pm

Suicide is today more than ever named too often with not only an individual’s demise but of our culture or race. Mental illness is not always the explanation. However many who suffer spiritual or soul sickness will arrive at this conclusion. It is not simple and one should not presume a definition. It is a despair. But if one suffers symptoms of depression and is poor is it wise to recommend psychiatry , who believe Sodomy is perfectly normal and approve of pornography; who can only prescribe a drug , whose help is questionable? Unless you have lots of money for long term therapy, since insurance monopolies no longer are held responsible and one can pay and well afford the Freudian ethic. Nor the churches nor government who allocate 100’s… Read more »